Part 21

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What a day


*Izuku pov*

I woke up to the smell of disinfectants but if wasn't as strong as the hospital smell so I was probably in the infirmary. Knowing where I was I opened my eyes slowly to be met with white walls. I sat up and then I saw dad on another bed covered in bandages, looks like I didn't heal him enough. Then I saw papa, Toshi, Aunty Nem, Uncle Nezu and Granny Chiyo (Recovery girl).

I cleared my throat and everyone looked up from whatever they were doing.They saw me and started yelling incoherent things that I didn't understand.

Then they calmed down and uncle Nezu said, "what on earth were you thinking child?", "I just-", granny chiyo cuts in,"you could have died",almost in tears. "I wanted-" I was cut off again by papa,"we could've lost you or you could've gotten hurt", "I couldn't-", I was once again cut off. This time by Aunty Nem, "you can't do that to us sweetie. We cant bear to lose you-", this time I cut her off.

"Listen to yourselves!!! I'm training to be a hero. A hero rushes in to save people no matter what!", I say. Uncle Nezu speaks, "that's not the point Izu. You ran into a dangerous situation without thinking about the consequences-", "would you have preferred that I wasn't there? Let's think about what would have happened if I wasn't there shall we." I say. I start listing it out.

"1. Iida would never have gotten the opportunity to escape and warn you guys and we'd all probably be dead, seeing that the alarm didnt trip and you wouldn't have known we were in danger" , Papa starts to speak, "now listen Zu-"

"2. The bird thing that they called a Nomu, wouldn't be dead. It was made to kill Allmight but I beat it", "Izuku please-" granny chiyo pleads but I keep going.

"3. You wouldn't have information about the new villain organization called the League Of Villains because everyonepresent af the scene would be dead.", they all knew what the fourth one was and they were dreading it. They knew I wouldn't stop so they just kept quiet.

"4. Dad would be dead, either due to blood loss or bludgeoning you take your pick.", they all stood there in silence until Hitoshi came and pulled me out of the room. When we were out he hugs me and says, "idiot", I hug him back and I was about to head back into the room but he held my hand and started walking.

"Toshi where're we going?", I ask. He just says "someone wants to meet you", "who?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and just keeps pulling me along until we reached 1A. He opened the door and I saw Shoto.

*Shoto pov*

The door opened and Izuku was standing there in a hospital gown.

She looked really tired but still somehow fresh. Hitoshi left and I ran to her and hugged her. Then she asked,"How long has it been?", "just two days" I say. "Oh", she replies. "I-", I cut myself off. Why am I so hesitant.

"I missed you"

I was so scared. was she gonna leave? Was it bad? Did it sound bad?

"Well I was asleep but I missed you too" she says as she hugs me tighter. She didn't seem upset. Was it fine? I guess it was okay. Oh lord.

Then we pull away from the hug and she realises she's in a hospital gown "Hitoshi said he put some of your clothes in this bag." I said as I handed her the bag that Hitoshi left at her desk. "He said he left a surprise in it I think."

She immediately rummaged through the bag. I guess she knew what the surprise was, then she pulled out a lunch box, "yasssssss", she said as she set the bag down and opened the box and got two sandwiches out. She somehow heated it with her quirk, and gave me one.

"it's Toshi's grilled cheese sandwich. The best in the world. You can have one.", I looked at her skeptically. No grilled cheese sandwich can be that good. I took a bite and said,"holy mother of god. What the fuck", she looked at me with a smirk on her face and said,"I know" while nodding her head.

After the sandwich, she went to the washroom and changed (outfit on top) she came back and asked if I wanted to hangout. I agreed and we went to the mall.

We went to some random Japanese restaurant because they had katsudon. I got soba because I liked soba. "That's a really nice bracelet you've got there", I pointed to her left hand, she looked at it and softly smiled. "Yeah.." she said and looked at me. "Um...Izuku if you dont mind me asking. Could you tell me why you were bullied?", she looked back at me and she said "oh sure, I was quirkless until I was almost 10. So people thought I was weak and picked on me." I was a little taken aback but I wasn't surprised. Quirkless were treated like trash.

" Everyday that I went to school, I'd get red spiderlillies and death threats and suicide notes. I'd get extra homework from the teachers, I'd get called out for no reason.", I was so stunned I couldn't even ask her to stop.

"for about half a year I ate my lunch on the roof, but then they found me so I had to change my spot so I ate in different hallways everyday. But they figured out my pattern so I just stopped bringing lunch and just left school for that short time.", how could she talk about this like it was just a normal day

"then after school I'd get pulled into an alley by Bakugou and I'd get bruises and third degree burns and stuff. Sometimes Bakugou would be too late and someone else would've started beating me up. But they never did it in visible or obvious places which was good for me because I had to hide it from my dad-", I stopped her,"wait a second why'd you have to hide it from your dad?", she looked at me like I asked her a stupid question,"because he'd worry"


"Okay then how did you go to school after getting hurt really bad?", she looked at me with the same expression again, "well I'd just shrug off the pain, I had a secret medi kit in my bathroom where I kept supplies to treat my wounds. One time I had a broken leg so I had to keep it in a splint. It was pretty hard but I'd requested a long skirt so it was easy enough to hide.", I stared at her with disbelieving eyes. How could she say that with a straight face. How could those pompous asshole do that to such a sweet girl. I'm abused really bad and I still haven't gotten used to the pain.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and buying stuff. Her alarm rang and it was time to go home. She gave me a hug and left.

Time to go back to hell

I have 800 reads!!!!! At this rate I'll have to pay my friend tomorrow. But thanks everyone. I really appreciate it.🥰

1245 words

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