Part 37

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I can move.


*Shoto pov*

I was following Endewhore around because I had to and surprisingly he knew some handy stuff. I was listening to one of his sidekicks when my phone buzzed, I took it out of my pocket and saw that Izuku had mass texted the entire class her location with no context. It was in Hosu.

I knew she wouldn't do that for no reason so I got worried, I ran away after telling my dad the address.

*Time skip to when he gets there*

I got to an alley and I heard sounds of a fight. Although it was dark, I could make out all the figures and their features, albeit vaguely. There was a hero on one side, he seemed to be  paralyzed, Iida was in the same predicament only he was bleeding out from a wound in his chest or shoulder. There was a man who had knives and swords and daggers, he had a white cloth over his eyes and a red scarf.

And Izuku was slumped against the wall with a cut on her face.

I was mad.

The knife guy, that I assumed was the villain because of obvious reasons, was talking to Izuku and he started to approach her. He was stopped by my flames. I made an ice ramp and brought Izuku to me and the rest to me, but theh weren't hurt fatally and they weren't at risk so I just went to Izuku.

She updated me on the situation and I took out her torch. She told me not to get cut because I would get paralyzed like the rest.

I went back to the fight, since I wasn't good at close range, Izuku covered for me. Whenever the knife guy got close, a barrier would appear and he would have to go back.

He tried to attack Izuku but that didn't work because I attacked him before he could do anything.

I was getting tired and I could tell that the villain was getting annoyed. He probably didn't like to draw out fights or to fight more than one person at a time.

I started getting sloppy with my attacks, I was overusing my quirks, my left side was way too hot and my right was way too cold. The villain  just kept going. He came at me but this time there was no barrier.

No. Instead the villain got a kick to his face.

He mumbled a curse under his breath and backed away. Izuku made her way to me but she kept her eyes on the villain. She put a hand on my chest and she glowed. Suddenly all my fatigue washed away. She used her healing. "Are you fine?"  She asked as she grabbed an energy bar from her belt and started eating it. "Yeah I'm good", she nodded and gave me a loving glance. She looked back at the villain. "You should probably run now Stain"



"And why would I do that brat?", he said as he laughed. Her face morphed into one of confidence.

"because I have a plan this time"

*Izuku pov*

He was obviously ticked off by my confidence boost. As I was eating, he charged, but I expected this. I turned on two of my torches. I took away all the light from around him and soaked in all the energy, cus who doesn't want extra energy. I felt him freeze in panic, I made a barrier around him using all the light I had and I did something I'd never done before.

I made it air tight.

(Okay if you're confused, remember when she made Bakugou's barrier sound proof? Her quirk let's her make anything out of light so she can make her barriers airtight, soundproof whatever, you name it)

I realised I could do this a few days ago. My dumbass never thought of things from different perspectives. I only found out because Toshi asked me.

I released the obsidian and I sat down. I didn't really have drawbacks but taking all the light from a really dark place was strenuous. I made sure to remove the barrier only after I was sure he passed out from the lack of oxygen.

Then I collapsed and Shoto found some rope in a dumpster that we used to restrain him. Then he hugged me. Then he kissed me. Then he scolded me. "Why on earth did you think engaging in battle with a villain who has the reputation of killing or permanently disabling heroes was a good idea? You're gonna kill me with your recklessness", I smiled softly, "I'm sorry", I said plainly. I would admit it this time. What I did was extremely reckless and I could've died.

Eventually, both Iida and Native got their movement back and we left the alleyway with the villain after I healed both of them and myself.

Shoto insisted on carrying me because I was tired. Native dragged Stain and Iida just walked. He never met our eyes, I think he was ashamed because of all the blind rage and stuff I guess.

We got onto the street and surprisingly Kei was making his way to us. "Zuku what are you, your boyfriend  Native and a random kid doing here?" He questioned, I felt Shoto tense a little at the nickname but I didn't react to it."well it's kind of a long story. I'll tell you about it later.", then I pointed to Stain and he gasped.

"Oh fuck dude.", he said, I laughed a little. Then a bunch of other heroes came our way. We told them the gist of what happened and they were really impressed.

Endewhore came too and he saw Shoto carrying me bridal style. He didn't even bat an eye at it, instead he just asked us what happened. When we told him he looked at me and said, "good job Aizawa", Shoto fucking dropped me. I just sat on the ground. Stunned.

I eventually got over it and Shoto did too. He kept apologizing for dropping me. I decided to walk  because I knew Shoto was worn out.

We started walking back to the city when a bird thing, that looked a lot like a Nomu, came at us, I didn't dodge in time.

It got me.

It's claws dug into my stomach. I cried in pain, I could hear everyone shouting from below. I opened my eyes to see Kei rushing towards me but I couldn't take it anymore. I was panicking and I was in some serious pain. I hazily made a barrier around my fist and made it pointed. I stabbed the villain without any real aim.

Seems like I hit a sensitive spot because it let me go. I started falling to the ground but I didn't hit it. Kei was probably carrying me.

I think Kei put me on the ground. I opened my eyes but everything was a blurry mess. I saw Shoto running towards me, Kei was putting pressure on my wound, I felt a thud near me. I looked over to see something burning, probably the Nomu.

I started seeing black spots and the next thing I knew, I blacked out.


Hello, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday and I'm sorry if I have typos and stuff.

I will proofread but not very thoroughly.

Thanks for reading.

1239 Words

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