Part 39

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What's wrong with his hair?


*Izuku pov*

Kachan shoved all the reporters aside and he put an arm around my shoulder and dragged me away. The second we were inside the school I started laughing. "What the fuck nerd?" I was still laughing, "you look like a coconut" I said. "What the fuck did you say?!?"


I was dying. I didn't even know I was on the floor until someone picked me up. I looked through all the tears and vaguely made out the half white and half red. It was Shoto.

*Shoto pov*

I walking to school and I saw tons of reporters outside. I pushed past them and entered the school. When I did I saw Izu laughing to the point of tears on the floor and Bakugou was yelling incoherent curses at her.

I huffed at the sight and picked her up making sure I didn't agitate her wound. She looked at me still laughing and she somehow recognized me through her teary eyes and melted into me.

I kissed her on her cheek and started walking to class, Bakugou was walking with me since we were heading the same way. We got to class just in time. The second we did the bell rang. I put Izuku in her seat and went to mine, she was still giggling.

Aizawa sensei wiggled out of his sleeping bag and said, "get into your gym uniforms and meet me at ground alpha", then he walked out.

I went to Izuku because she called me over. She extended her arms in my direction. I huffed and picked her up. She kissed my chin and we left.

*Izuku pov*

Dad said I couldn't participate in training for two weeks so I didn't need to change. Everyone kept looking at me, I think it's because if the Stain stuff. I was with dad in the observation room watching everyone train.

They were having quirkless hand to hand combat. Everyone except Toshi was extremely sloppy, he came to school 10 minutes ago. Kachan wasn't too bad but he definitely wasn't good. Uraraka got better because she trained with gunhead but she was still inexperienced. Shoto was better than Kachan but only by a little.

I leaned over to dad and said, "are you gonna teach them with 'stupid and effective' or 'boring and effective'?", he smiled slyly and said, "it will always be 'boring and effective' when I'm teaching people I don't like", I nodded my head.

"Can I spar, please. I won't even move from the spot I'm in.", he looked skeptical, "I'll only use my hands!" He raised his eyebrows, "please, I promise I won't strain my wound" he sighed and said, "fine, but only one and the second I see a muscle near your stomach twitch, I'm stopping the fight", I nodded my head immediately.

He told the others that I would sparring. I didn't change because I was only sparring once and I wasn't gonna move.

The next one to spar was Tokoyami, dad just finished telling him about the wound in my stomach and he stepped into the circle. I couldn't charge so I just waited. As expected, he came at me with a left hook but I saw his right arm tense, it was a feint.He swung his left fist but I paid no mind to it. I caught his right hand and flipped him onto his back. Then I put my foot on his chest so he couldn't get up.

I looked up and saw Shoto's proud,smug face. Then I saw Hitoshi's proud, smug face .Then I saw dad's proud and smug face. I helped Tokoyami up and he gladly accepted. Everyone rushed to me.

"That was so cool! Oh my god did you use a lot of hand to hand with Stain?"

"Dude how was it fighting Stain?"

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