Part 10

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Thanks dad


*Time skip to the next day*

*Aizawa pov*

I woke up at like 8AM because I couldnt breathe well. I opened my eyes to see Izuku sleeping on my chest. I guess old habits die hard.

"Izuku I can't breath", I groan.

She groans too,"you can breathe just fine and I'm comfy"

"Izuku get off"

"I'm not moving and you can't make me", why was she so fussy
Damnit she learned too much from me.

I ended up pushing her to the side and putting my arm on top of her so she couldn't get back to sleeping on my chest, restricting my breathing.

Before we could go back to sleep I heard a camera clicking.

"Damnit" we both say at the same time. I see Zashi with his phone in his hand and a derpy smile on his face.

Both Izu and I look up simultaneously, And speak at the same time,"Delete that picture", I couldn't help but smile, so I hid my face in the pillow. Only Izu could see my smile, which I was fine with. She was basically the only person who could make me smile. Besides Zashi and Hitoshi. She rolled her eyes at my action and looked back at them and said,"delete that", she says letting a little malice into her words. "Okay, okay it's gone.", Zashi says and shows us the gallery. There was no trace of the picture of us cuddling. But then she says,"now go to the 'recently deleted' and delete the photo from there.", again with malice.", Zashi starts whining,"But Zu that was a keeper, you guys looked so cute, I was gonna frame that one", she starts glaring at him,"Either you delete that photo or I make you", Zashi realized he made her mad, he looked terrified. I look at her with a proud expression. My daughter was a badass. Hitoshi looks like he was trying not to die of laughter.

That's when the doctor walked in and came up to Izu. "Hi there Izuku-kun, I'm your doctor, Haruka Shimaru. You can call me Dr.Maru." Izuku looks at me and then at Dr.Maru.

"Hello Dr.Maru, it's nice to meet you. Are we gonna do my quirk tests now?" She asks politely. The doctor laughs a little, she must not be used to Izuku's adorableness 

(is that a word?)

"Yes we are, could you please follow me", Izuku was about to get off the bed when I held her hand. "Umm doctor could I accompany her?", I ask because Izuku is like a magnet for trouble. Izuku rolls her eyes at my request but Dr.Maru agrees.

*Izuku pov*

Why is dad so worried. Ugghh.

Toshi walks over to me while I make my bed. He starts to help me and asks. "Why're you mad?", I look at him and say,"cus dad's always worried about me, he treats me like I'm a baby. Don't you dare say it.", I stop him before he could tell me that I am indeed a baby. He closes his mouth with a chuckle. "It's cus he loves you that's it. I wish my parents did that for me." He says rubbing the back of his neck. I look at him and say," well now that hobo is your dad and he's gonna start doing it to you soon. We'll see what you say after a month of being protected like and egg surrounded by pits that are 100 feet deep", he starts laughing, "what the hell kind of reference is that", I smack him on the back of the head.

Dad and I go to the quirk testing side of the hospital. We go in and I do the tests. There weren't even multiple tests I just had to get my blood extracted.

After that we went back to the room to gather our stuff and head home.

We were almost done when Dr.Maru came in and sat us down. She looked at me and then at my dad, who had a very tense look on his face.

"Your daughter has quite the powerful quirk Mr.Aizawa"

"What do you mean Dr.Maru" my dad says.

"Well she can control light"

"I'm sorry what?" I chime in

"You can control light. You can basically make whatever you want, with light."

"Dr.Maru, I'm afraid I dont understand, could you please explain why I developed a quirk this late, why it developed when it did and what I can do with it in extreme detail"

"Of course. To answer your first question. The quirk actually showed up when you were really young, probably at 12 months or so, you must have experienced some trauma that activated it.", my dad and I look at each other with sad expressions,"But at that time, it was an immature version of the quirk. You could only heal minor problems and your rate of healing was minutely accelerated.", "that makes sense", my dad said,"I have insomnia and when I sleep with her, I can actually fall asleep", "exactly. her quirk wasn't as 'potent' when she was younger",Dad did say I was a miracle child cus he slept next to me when I was 5 and ended up getting 12 hours of sleep.

I nodded my head as she spoke."you needed to experience another moment of distress or trauma to make your quirk evolve. And that's what happened. The villain was about to....kill your father and that moment of distress acted like a switch to make your quirk evolve.", Wow my quirk was great but the process of getting it was super messed up.

"When your quirk evolved, you chose to make a barrier to protect your dad, you could've made anything. A shield a gun, anything. But you wanted to protect your dad, so you made a barrier. With proper training your quirk could do wonders, I hope you become a hero or a doctor, you'd do really well in both fields."

She stood up and handed me a file named 'Izuku Aizawa'

I think that answers the second question as well.", I agreed with her.

"You can ask me any questions if required. All the information about your quirk is in that file. We still dont know the limit of your quirk so there may be some inconsistencies. What we do know is that healing takes a lot of energy out of you that's why you passed out for two days", dad stood up and thanked her.

We started packing again, when Dr.Maru popped her head in and asked me,"Izuku-kun, what do you want to name your quirk?" I thought about it for a minute and replied,


I know that this one is slightly shorter
I'm sorry

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll explain her quirk and why she named it lux in the next chapter.

1154 words

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