Part 12

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I'm gay


*Izuku pov*

"Oh my god Toshi that's great!!!!!",I scream getting looks from the other people in the cafe. Toshi just looked confused.

"Wait you're not mad?", he asks and I'm genuinely surprised at his question.

"Of course I'm not mad dipshit.", I say hitting him on his head. "Besides dad and papa are gay why would I mind?",

"Oh yeah, well how do I tell dad and papa?" He asks

"I think you should tell them at dinner today, cus we dont want you to worry about this at tomorrow's exam", I say. It was logical, you only need to worry about the exam on the exam day.

"'re the first person that I've told", he says, acting kinda shy.

"Aww, Toshi I'm touched. But its 6.30 and dad will file us as missing if we're not home by 7. So let's go", we leave the cafe after we split the bill.

We were walking home when we heard explosions, we turned in that direction and saw smoke. I look at the time and decide it's safe to go check out the fight.We rush there, against Toshi's will and I did not expect to see what I did.

In an alley, theres was a giant sludge villain choking a familliar ash blonde. Bakugou Katsuki. my childhood bully. There were heroes surrounding the scene but they all kept saying "My quirk isn't suited for this", or ,"We have to wait for a hero that can do something" they weren't heroes, they were in it for the money and the fame.

Then Bakugou and I locked eyes. His eyes were filled with fear. He was running out of time and oxygen. I knew I had to do something.

I look at Toshi and say,"I'm sorry." With a smile, I already ran past the blockades before he could say anything.

I stood in front of the villain and started analyzing. I realized that his eyes were the only physical aspect to his body. Then he tried to attack me.


Now I can say I did it out of self defense. But I still can't use my quirk

I quickly dodge and throw my hoodie into the air, to distract him. He goes for the bait while I jump against the wall and kick his eye. Then he yelps and loosens the grip he had on Bakugou. Not too much but enough for him to breathe and for me to pull him out of the sludge.

We both fall on the ground and he starts having a coughing fit but he can breathe. I get up and go to the villain and put him into a soda bottle that was there nearby. I hand the bottle to kamui wood and was about to leave, when I realised I was in a sports bra, I started blushing so bad. Toshi ran to me, gave me his jacket and then a hug."dad is gonna be so mad. You're probably grounded for a month", he laughed.



We were gonna leave when I was bombarded by heroes and reporters.

"What you did was extremely reckless, young lady. You could've gotten seriously hurt" -Hero

"Ma'am could you tell us your name and quirk" -Reporter

"That was illegal child, you'll be taken into custody for sometime" -Hero

"Shut up!!!", I screamed and, They look at me in surprise.

"First of all what I did was indeed reckless but atleast I did something unlike all you 'heroes' and how did you graduate from a hero school when you didn't have the sense to see that the only physical part of the villain was its eyes" I yell.

"Second, I have no obligation to tell you my name or my quirk. And no it is not a agility based quirk. I trained my body to move like that." they looked so shocked, like if was impossible to move like that, jerks

"And third, no sir that wasn't illegal because the villain attacked me first so you can go ahead and file it as self defense. And I didn't use my quirk either so what I did was completely inside the law. I know my rights"

They looked like they were about to ask me some more questions when I walked away, but not before hearing Bakugou scream,"Deku!!"

*Time skip to when they get home*

*still Izuku pov*

"Fuck", Hitoshi is trying to comfort me but nothing could help me now.

We open the door to see dad standing there with papa. Papa had a face of pity and Dad's face was just blank."Hey guys", I say trying to cut the tension.

"Hitoshi, Zashi could you leave us.", Toshi looks at me with sad eyes,"you're so screwed", he says before running of to his room. Papa went to the basement where his radio station was.

It was really quite for about 5 minutes, then I say,"listen da-", "You wanna tell me why I just saw the news and say my daughter fighting a villain and then proceeded to yell at press and other proheros in a sports bra??" He says with a voice that sounded like it was trying to hide another emotion. Probably anger.

I start speaking,"Dad a kid my age was being held hostage by a villain, who was chocking him, with heroes all around them, who were making excuses about how they couldn't help him because their quirks didnt suit the situation. What the hell did you expect me to do. Sit back and watch the kid die?" The last part I say with a little anger

He looks at me with a little bit of surprise and says,"what did I expect you to do?" He asks with an angry tone,"Couldn't you have told one of the heroes at the scene that the eyes were its weak spot?", he had a point but I wasn't gonna back down.

"I didn't think that far dad. There was someone in serious trouble and no one was helping him. I can't just leave him be. I'm training to be a hero. I'm not gonna sit back and watch as someone suffers while I know I can help them", he looked at me, anger in his eyes."Izuku you wont always be this lucky. I can't have you getting hurt. You never consider the situation, you just run into danger. Every damn time.", he was getting kind of emotional,"what would've happened if you got hurt? You would've had to skip the exam. What if you were hurt beyond repair? You didn't think about these things did you." He sighed mumbled a "damnit" under his breath and walked away, he went to papa's and his bedroom. I went to mine and had a shower. Later Hitoshi came to my room and said,"Izu go talk to him" and went back to his room.

I thought about it and went to dad's room."hey dad...", I heard shuffling so I kept talking,"I'm sorry, I should've thought about it.", the door opened and dad was there his eyes were puffy. "You promise never to do it again?", I softly smiled and said," I'll try"," good. Also you're grounded for a month.", he says as he pulls me in for a hug."two weeks?", I plead. "Are you seriously trying to negotiate with me?", "fine", I say. "Also that press part was great. you shoved it into their faces."," I laugh a little and melt into the hug.

We both made up and went to the dining table for dinner. It was a normal dinner until Toshi put his cutlery down and looked at papa and dad. I start smiling, knowing what's coming. Papa nudged me and asked, "what's up with Toshi", cus Toshi was taking a while,"Shut up and listen", I say

"Dad, Papa. I'm gay"

"THAt's great kid!!!!!", dad glares at him after disabling his quirk, "sorry", Papa says.

"Good job kid, I've known for a while but you came out sooner than I expected", everyone looks at him.

"How long have you known", Toshi asks, dad smirks,"since you left that 'what's my sexuality' quiz tab open on your phone without turning it off", I smack him on his head while he face palms and papa laughs.

We all finish dinner and head to bed. Hitoshi comes to my room and sleeps next to me cus he has insomnia too and he actually sleeps when he's next to me.

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day

I hope you liked my crappy writing.

1438 words

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