Part 25

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I'm gonna kick their asses at the sports festival.

*Time skip to 5 days later*

*Aizawa pov*

I woke up from my nap cus I couldn't breathe for the fifth day in a row. Izuku was on my chest. She was so cute. She had such cute little snores, but I needed to breathe so, "izuku get the hell of me." She just shoved her face into my chest. "Izuku comes on we need to leave soon." She wrapped her arms around me, "I'm sleepy", oh my fucking lord that was so bloody cute. I got my phone out and started recording. "What was that sweetie?", she nuzzled her face and said, "I'm sleepy", thank god I got it on camera.

I sat up and she started groaning. I packed up the tent after setting her down on a blanket and packed the rest of all our stuff. She finally stood up but she had her eyes closed. I put all the stuff into the backpack and wore it from the front. Then I picked up Izuku and put her on my back. She immediately fell asleep.

We had to go home today cus the sports festival was tomorrow and Zashi kept whining about how he hadn't seen his daughter in 5 days.

We got home and I started repeatedly ringing the doorbell. After doing that like 20 times the door finally opened. I saw Bakugou in my doorway. I was about to do something I'd regret later, but I heard Izu mutter something in her sleep. I remembered what I had promised Izuku and chose to leave Bakugou alone for now.

I walked the house and saw the 'Bakusquad' in my living room playing monopoly with Zashi and Toshi. They all awed at Izuku. I went up to Izuku's room and put her on the bed. Then I threw all the stuff somewhere and I took a shower.

The training was so much fun. And Izuku got a lot stronger. She pointed out some of my habits and mistakes while sparring too.

*Izuku pov*

I sat up and took a shower. I went downstairs and saw the bakusquad in my living room playing monopoly with papa and Toshi. Dad was drinking coffee.

I walked over and sat down, Toshi and I locked eyes and he knew what I was getting to. I made a sign with my hand and he nodded.

I went over to dad and hugged him. He hugged back. Then Toshi gestured to all the other kids to keep quiet. I kissed Dad on the forehead. And walked over to papa and hugged him too. He hugged back." I love you papa", I said in a cute baby voice. "Aww I love you too baby," he said and gave dad a look that was meant to make him jealous. Which he was.

It was all going according to plan.

Then after a while, I stood up and went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. I went back and nodded to Toshi. "Godddd I could go for some pizza now", he said stretching and making it seem casual. It wasn't casual. It was all planned. "Oh my god pizza. Dad could we get pizza please", I say in my cutesy voice again
"Of course we can Izu", he said. And papa and dad left to order the pizza.

Toshi and I stand up and yell, "yaaayyy!!!!!"

Toshi and I do our handshake and the others were just stunned.

"That was so fucking smooth", Kachan says, finally breaking the silence. I laugh and say, "we have different contingencies and strategies to get take out. This one was 6C one of our more successful ones"

"I was so confused in the beginning can you explain how you did that!?" Mina and Kaminari say, I laugh again and say, "sure. So everyone knows that my dad is kinda protective and possessive of me right?" Everyone nods immediately and Toshi just smirks.

"So first what I do is I go to dad and I hug him or kiss him, in this case, I did both. Then I let go and I go to papa and do the same but I do more for him. I tell him that j love him or that I'm really happy he's there or something. And then he makes dad jealous by saying something back to me or hugging me or kissing me.", Toshi starts laughing in between

"So then after that, I leave for a bit and I sit near dad but not bear enough to mean anything. Then Toshi says something like he wants pizza or Chinese food or something and he makes sure to say it like it was just a stray comment. Then I make my eyes light up and I look at dad and ask him if we could get whatever Toshi asked for and he always says yes because he's jealous of papa." I start laughing with Toshi by the end of it.

"It always works. There are others like we put ads in front of papa all day and around dinner time we hide the pan he was gonna use and he 'accidentally' finds the ad. And then we end up getting takeout.", Toshi says.

The others were so surprised. They couldn't say anything.

We got the take out and they left because we had school tomorrow.

We all went to our rooms and Toshi came to mine, where all the cats were.  I told him about training and he told me about what he did for these past 5 days.

As I went to bed I thought about the next day.

Here we go

This was also a filler. And my friend says there are problems with the previous chapter. If there are I'm so sorry. I can't see any problems and I'm sorry if it's wrong.

983 words

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