Chapter 20 - Hoseok confession & Jimin outburst

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3rd party view.

Isha and Hoseok both arrive at the car park. Hoseok quickly opens the door for Isha and waits for her to settle down in her seat. Hoseok began to pull over and drive off. The journey was silent. Hoseok tried to create a conversation but he did not know what kind of the conversation.

"Noona, would you accept me?"

"Haah, what do you mean Hobi?"

"I like you so much. Not as a sister, as someone that could spend a lifetime with me. I don't know and I don't care how sick you are? Please let me care for you and love you like a lover does."

"Hobi, are you ok? You didn't just say that aren't you?"

"No, I'm ok and I like you so much. Please don't turn me down. I don't care how much time you want but please?"

"Do you promise to be on my side forever?"

Hoseok suddenly hit the car brake. He was shocked. He quickly looks at Isha. But, there is only a sweet smile he can find on Isha's face.

"I do like you. But all this time I don't want to put so much hope.  Please give me some time, but don't worry. I will try, nope, I'm sure I have the same feeling too." Isha looks at Hoseok crying. 

"Let's go back ya." Isha said and held his hand. Hoseok smiled like a fool and started driving again. He will make sure he will not let her hand again.

At Isha's home.

Yoongi was preparing the food while Namjoon helped him set the table. The kid was in the living room watching cartoons. "Anything else can I help you hyung?" Namjoon asked.

"Not much left. You can put this on the table. Everything has been done. You can call them too. " Yoongi said. Namjoon nodded. Yoongi prepares chicken porridge, chicken finger, fruit and potato salad for their breakfast.

"All my babies, come having breakfast." Namjoon calls them. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung quickly run to the table and settle down.

"Yoonie Hyung, Can we have a dessert after this?" Jimin asks with puppy eyes. 

"Sure, you can If all of you finish the breakfast and eat your medicine. All three of you." Yoongi said. 

"Ok Hyung, we will finish everything."

"What kind of milk do you like to have? I have banana, chocolate and strawberry."

"Minnie want chocolate hyung"

"Taetae want strawberry hyung."

"Kookie wants banana hyung."

"Alright. Eat well. If you all finishes all the food. We can go out and eat ice cream once Noona comes back ok?"

"Yeay.. Ice cream!!"

It's almost lunch time. Jimin starts to feel uncomfortable. Isha is still not home. He was in his room with Taehyung and Jungkook and suddenly he cried. Taehyung looks at Jimin and holds his hand.

"Noona..... Minnie wants mummy...!" He cried his heart out. 

"Kookie, call Yoonie hyung." Jungkook quickly ran towards the kitchen.

"Jungkook, what happened bun?" Namjoon asked. He looked like wanting to cry. 

"Jiminie crying. He wants  mummy..." Jungkook said while crying. Namjoon quickly hugged him. He and Yoongi quickly run towards the bedroom.

They saw Taehyung hugging Jimin and crying too. Namjoon quickly runs to Taehyung and brings him and Jungkook out of the room. He knows that Yoongi knows how to comfort Jimin.

He asks Taehyung and Jungkook to sit down on the sofa and wipes their tears. 

"Sowie hyungie. Jiminie is crying. We tried but she missed Noona so much. "

"Hyung knows bub. Don't worry, ok. Hyung is not mad at both of you. You did a good job taking care of Jiminie. Don't cry ya. Taehyung and Jungkook start crying and hug Namjoon. He cares for their back to soothe them.

Soon, they heard, door open with Isha and Hoseok walking towards them. Isha and Hoseok walk towards them. "Hyungie...."

Jungkook ran towards Hoseok and hugged him while crying. 

"Hey Kookie, why are you crying, bun? What happened? " Hoseok quickly hugged him and brought him to his lap.

"What happened Joonie?" Isha asks. She looked worried.

"It's Jimin, Noona. He misses you I think. He starts crying and calls your name."

Isha quickly drops her bag and runs towards Jimin's room. 

"Baby." Isha called. Jimin was currently crying in Yoongi lap wake ups and ran towards Isha. 

"Mummy, Minnie misses you. Why did you leave Minnie? Minnie did not do any wrong." Jimin cried harder and hugged Isha.

Isha starts to tear up. She hugs Jimin and cares for his back. Yoongi smiles at her. 

"I'll be outside Noona." Isha noded. Yoongi walks out slowly and closes the door. It's good to give them some time for themselves. He knows that Isha never leaves Jimin for a longer time.

"Mummy, Minnie, sorry. Please don't leave Minnie. Minnie promised to listen to you." Jimin hugged her tightly. 

"Mummy sorry baby. Mummy has worked. Mummy not gonna leave you baby. You're my life. How come I will leave you?" Jimin crying so hard and got hiccup. Isha worry If she suddenly cannot breath. 

"Babby, mummy here. Stop crying. You will feel sick later. Please forgive mommy ok. I love you so much honey." Isha said while caressing his back. She felt guilty towards Jimin. At this time she knows that Jimin is currently regressing more.

Jimin sniffled towards his neck. Isha slowly caresses his cheek. Wipe the tears and kiss his forehead. 

"Mummy will not gonna leave you. No matter what, ok." Isha picks Jimin up and walks towards the bed. She put Jimin on the bed and lay down with him.

"Let's get a nap, ok. Mummy hugs you until you wake up." Isha said. Jimin nodded. He hugs Isha tightly and buries his face in Isha's neck. Both of them slowly drive to sleep. 

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