Chapter 26 - A brand new world

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At Kim's Residence

It has been 3 months since Jin left the hospital. The doctor said that he had completely lost his memories. Ryeowook wasn't surprised, since he is a doctor himself and the accident was really bad.

Jin being able to live again with only minor injuries was a huge blessing for him. Jin, on the other hand, is hard to get out of bed. Considering how bad the accident was, he might still be traumatized.

They try not to talk about the accident, and he hopes that his brother will be able to get over the trauma. Ryeowook opens the door to meet Jin, who is once again sitting by the window. 

"Jin, would you like to go out to dinner with me?" No response came back from him. He gently taps Jin on the shoulder.

"Oh, Hyung, I did not hear you coming. What is it?" Jin asks. 

"I just wanted to ask if you would like to go out for dinner. It is fine if you don't want to go. Hyung is going to cook for you. Ryeowook asks. 

"Erm." Jin wiggled his fingers. Honestly, he's still not ready to go out. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Jin. Hyung understands. It is okay if you don't want to. You're free to take your time. "

Jin's gaze fell to the ground. "I'll try, but if I'm not comfortable, can we go back?" Jin asks again. 

"Sure, we can go back if you're not comfortable. Be ready. We're leaving at 6 o'clock." Jin nodded.

At Yoongi Cafe

When Sungmin arrived at the cafe with the groceries, he discovered that the business was closed. Even though it's only one in the afternoon, he's feeling strange. He pulls his phone from his pocket and calls Yoongi.

"Hey, Yoongi, how are you today? Did you close your café today? Hyung is at the front door with the groceries that you ordered yesterday."

"Hello. Hyung, I haven't left the cafe yet. just a bit. I'll help you open the door."

Yoongi quickly ran to the front door and opened the door for Sungmin. 

"I'm sorry, Hyung. My staff didn't come in today, and I was out of most of the ingredients. There are no pastries either, because the bread shop was closed for their anniversary." Yoongi helped quickly with another box of groceries and put it on a table near the cashier counter.

"I think you should have your own pastry chef, Yoongi. Your cafe is doing so well now, and I think you can afford to pay for one," suggests Sungmin. 

"I know, hyung. But you know it won't be easy to find one." Sungmin nods. 

"My friend's brother just got out of school. He mastered the art of making pastries and bread. He is very talented. He just woke up from a coma after the accident. I'm not sure if he's ready to work again, but I can ask," He told Yoongi.

"Sure, Hyung. If he is ready to work, all you have to do is tell him to come here. We'll see what we can do." Yoongi gives Sungmin a paper bag full of cookies and a new coloring book. 

"Yoongi, quit spoiling Yeerin like that." Yoongi laughed. 

"I bought one for Jimin the other day, and I couldn't help but pick one for Yeerin as well. She is a lifesaver when it comes to Jimin, hyung." Sungmin shakes his head and takes the bag from Yoongi's hand.

"I didn't see him today, speaking of the bubble." Sungmin asked. 

"He's asleep in the back. It's easy for me to clean up the cafe." Yoongi laughed. 

"I'll go back to the house first. Yeerin wasn't feeling well today when I was going out. I didn't hear her bothering my mom while I was out. Give me a call if you need anything." Yoongi nods and follows Sungmin out the door.

Ryowook and Jin drive thirty minutes from their home to the restaurant. Ryeowook had told Jin ahead of time, and Jin agreed to meet Ryeowook's friend as well. Ryeowook chose a private area to avoid chaos if the restaurant suddenly got full of customers. He didn't want Jin to feel uncomfortable here. He found out his friend had already arrived.

"Sungmin hyung, sorry we are late."

"Not exactly. I just got here as well. How're you, Jin?" Jin simply smiled. Sungmin explains that he's made an order and asks if they'd want to order anything more from the menu when they sit down. He hands the menu to Jin, since he already knows what Ryeowook wants to eat.

The restaurant was their favorite place, and they always hung out there with other friends from the same university. Food came soon after, and they started to eat. Jin doesn't usually start conversations. 

Just nod or give a short answer. But for Ryeowook, that was enough, because he thought Jin would want to go back after a few minutes when they got to the restaurant.

Dinner was over, and they walked out of the restaurant to the parking lot. 

"Jin, Hyung, I have a friend who just opened a cafe near your home and is looking for a pastry chef. This card is his. If you're interested, you can call him or just go to the cafe for an interview." Sungmin gave the business card to Jin.

"Hyung, thank you for your time today. If I've caused any distress during this meal, I really apologize." He felt terrible. 

"Jin, don't even think about that. I'm so happy that you decided to come to the dinner." He got a little hug from Sungmin. 

"You have my best wishes. Please don't overthink it. Just keep living your cheerful life, okay? I think that is what everyone wants from you." Jin nods.

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