Chapter 46 - A hiding story pt 2

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"How about we order food first. I believe our littles ones were starving."

Both of them clapped their hands. Isha placed the banana bread in front of Jungkook and Jimin and told them to eat it first while they waited for the food. She noticed two large kimchi containers on the kitchen counter.

"How about we order samgyupsal can you request to mix meat with a lot of fresh vegetables?" Isha asked. She giggles when looking at Jungkook and Jimin as they literally drool when she mentions the dishes.

"Yes I agreed. Anything else you want to add?" Hoseok asked.

"Can we have kimchi fried rice as well?" Jimin asked.

"Sure bub. How about Kookie, do you want anything else.?"

"Kimchi soup hyung." Jungkook smiles brightly. Hoseok laughed at his demeanor.

"Yoongi hyung."

"Don't you think it's already a lot?" Yoongi laughed.

Isha agreed with a nod. Hoseok selected all of the food he had ordered and was about to proceed with the payment. Yoongi handing over his card. Hoseok, however, declines, claiming that he has already paid because his card is connected to the applications and that he is entitled to a point.

Both of them start arguing with each other and three of them just laugh. "Don't listen to your hyung baby. Finish your bread ya. It will take a while for the food to come." Isha said.

"Mummy, can we do the coloring inside my room?" Jimin asked.

"Yes baby. You know that mummy bought you a new coloring book right on the table." Jimin nodded eagerly. Isha just laughed.

"Let's go mummy," Jungkook said.

Isha gives a soft slap to both Hoseok and Yoongi to signal them to stop the quarrel. She then signals to Hoseok and says "talk" before taking both of littles to Jimin's room. Hoseok sighs.

Isha placed a new coloring book as well as all of Jimin's coloring supplies on his reading table. She decided to expand Jimin's study table and add another chair for both Taehyung and Jungkook because the three of them spent so much time together.

"Since Kookie's hand is still recovering, why don't you do your coloring on the table. I don't want Kookie to be injured more."

"Okie mummy. Thank you so much." Kookie said.

Isha giggled at his reply. "Thank you baby for taking care of Kookie today. Mummy proud of you bub." Isha said. Jimin smiles shyly.

"Mummy will be in the kitchen if you guys need me ya. I don't want your Hyung turning my kitchen upside down. Isha said while laughing. Both of them were laughing hard. Isha gives both of them kisses before walking back to the dining table.

"Noona, I will keep this container here ya. This is from Sungmin hyung. His mother always gives me a lot whenever they make the kimchi."

Isha saw a few types of kimchi on the table and it made her mouth water. Isha just nodded. She motioned both of them to sit.

"I guess we should tell Yoongi what happened in the last two days." Isha said. Both of them look at Isha. Isha just nodded.

"Actually hyung...!" Hoseok starts to tell the story since they were in the dance class until the incident happened.

Yoongi was deafeningly silent. He let out a deep sigh.He understood Jungkook's feelings because he had been in a similar situation. He became extremely depressed following Heechul hyung's death and attempted suicide once because he did not want to live alone.

He considered himself extremely fortunate to be alive after that occurrence, and the presence of Isha and Jimin a year after his brother's death changed his life dramatically. He felt glad to be able to see them all again.

"I'm sorry Yoongi hyung." Hoseok lowered his head, overcome by guilt. Despite the fact that Yoongi didn't seem to care, he knew Yoongi truly cared for them.

"Hobi-ah. I'm not angry. I just feel upset that you didn't tell us sooner. We can do something to help Jungkook to overcome his fear and illness. I know how it feels. I've been in this situation once. It is fortunate for me that I'm still alive and I am really unable to be thankful enough to be able to live again."

Hoseok broke down in tears. He instantly hugged Yoongi. He realized this was what he really wanted. How he can spend time with family members even if they are not biological relatives.

Isha breathed a sigh of relief. Their chat came to a halt when they heard the bell ring. The food they ordered has come.

"Hobi-ah Why don't you go and wash up your face. You don't want them to look at you like this right."

"Yes. I will be back."

As per Yoongi said earlier. It seems that they overly order the food. There was a lot on the table. "Minnie, Kookie. Come here. Our food has arrived." Yoongi called them from the dining table.

Both of them happily looked at food. Jimin was sitting between Isha and Yoongi while Kookie was sitting next to Hoseok. They eat their dinner peacefully. Isha smiles looking at them happily eating their food. She hopes this happiness will last forever. 

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