Chapter 30 - Kim's Brother

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Jin pov.

I looked through the window. I'm happy, but I'm also worried. I still can't believe that I'm able to live as a human again. I think I should start enjoying life.

Hyung's request is still in my mind. I need to look after them but I don't know how. I let out my deep breath.

I remember that day when I was at the restaurant, Sungmin hyung told me about a cafe that was looking for a pastry chef. I should probably try to apply. Maybe I can figure out how to get started.

I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. It is already night. Wookie hyung will be back soon. Maybe I can cook food for him too.

I checked the fridge and saw that there was leftover rice. There's also kimchi, egg, radish, and carrot. I looked in the freezer and found some meat in the container. I think I know what to do now.

I haven't cooked for a very long time. I wonder if I'll be able to cook again. I washed my hands and started slicing all of the ingredients.

I plan to make kimchi fried rice and radish with egg soup for dinner. Since there aren't many things in the fridge, this is good already.

I started to boil water for my soup. I put in a small cube of the soup base and wait for the soup to boil before adding the other ingredients. I beat eggs for soup and omelet.

3rd person POV.

The fragrance of cooking greeted Ryeowook as he entered the home. He took a step into the kitchen and saw that Jin was cooking. He is happy. Jin was able to get out of his room at last.

He cleared his throat to signal to Jin that he was in the kitchen. "Oh hyung. You back. How's your work?" Jin asked.

"As usual. Today, I'm lucky that I don't have as many patients. What's on the stove?" Ryeowook asked.

"Today, I made us a simple meal. Radish soup and kimchi fried rice. There aren't many ingredients in the fridge." Jin said.

"I'm sorry Jinnie. Yesterday, Hyung forgot to go grocery shopping. I will go tomorrow." Ryeowook said.

"Hyung, it's not your fault. I should assist you. You can go and take a shower. I'm almost done here." Jin said.

Ryewook got to the table and saw that it was already set. "Sorry, Jin-ah, Hyung is unable to help you." He said.

"No problem, hyung. It is not much. I do not have anything to do. Let's dig in." Jin said. Both of them start eating their meals.

"Hyung, I remember that the last time we went out to eat with your friend, he told us that a cafe was looking for a pastry chef. Are they still looking?" Jin asked.

"Are you sure Jin?" Ryewook asked. He is glad that Jin is ready to go out again. It's not that he's unable to take care of him. It's just that he worries about him being home alone.

"Yes hyung. If you don't mind. Can I try out for the job?" Jin asked. 

"Sure. Hyung called Sungmin hyung and asked about the opening. Hyung will tell you as soon as possible." He said.

Jin smiled at him. He carried on eating. He cleans the table after they finish eating. Ryewook insisted on doing the dishes. He gave in. He takes some fruit out of the fridge, peels the skin off, and cuts it into small pieces.

The rest of their night is spent talking and watching the drama before going to sleep. Jin hopes the job is still available. Little did he know that he was close to meeting them.

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