Chapter 27 - Teahyung got fever.

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Isha was making breakfast when she heard the doorbell ring. She is a little weirded out by the fact that Yoongi knows the password to her house's door lock. 

"Yoonie must be bringing the groceries then," Isha said to herself.

Isha quickly washed and dried her hands before walking to the front door. Namjoon was standing in front of her house, wearing a backpack and carrying Taehyung. 

"Hi Noona." Namjoon greeted her.

Isha took the backpack and signaled to Namjoon to follow her. She brings Namjoon to Jimin's room and tells him to lay his brother next to Jimin. Namjoon wrapped the blanket around Taehyung and placed his stuffed animal in his arms. He slowly walks out the door to find Isha.

Namjoon stood by the island in the kitchen and watched Isha make coffee. When she was done, she gave him a cup of coffee. 

"Thanks, Noona, this is just what I needed." Namjoon said. 

"Give me a moment, the breakfast is almost done. Please eat breakfast before you leave." Isha replied, then returned to her cooking.

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. Usually, Hoseok helps me take care of him while I'm working. However, he visited the graves of his foster parents in his hometown." Isha agreed because Hoseok had called her last night.

Not long after that, someone knocked on the door. 

"Can you help me open the door, Joonie? It must be Yoongi with the groceries." Isha asks. Namjoon quickly walked towards the door. Once it was open, he saw Yoongi holding a large box and a plastic bag. Namjoon took the plastic bag from Yoongi's hands and put it on the dining table.

"Wow, Yoongi, you bought a lot of stuff." Isha said. 

"I do not think this is good enough, Noona. We practically live here, and if we don't, you'll send food to us." Yoongi stated. 

"Yes, you're right." Isha laughed.

"Alright. Please have a seat, gentlemen, breakfast is ready." Isha said while giving them two big plates of breakfast. Isha finally sat down with her own plate of food and a pot of coffee. 

"Why are you here this early, Namjoonie?" Yoongi wants to break the silence.

"This morning, the hospital called and asked me to cover a conference meeting. The current professor who was supposed to attend the conference became sick. Hoseok is going back to his hometown. Usually I bring Taetae with me, but he wasn't feeling well yesterday." Namjoon explains.

"What happened?" Isha asked. She looked worried. 

"He had a high fever yesterday. I have no idea where he picked that up, or maybe he was just too exhausted from his dancing practice with Hoseok I guess. Everybody nod. 

"Do you mind if I'm asking Joonie. What happen to Taetae actually." Yoongi ask. It's seem that Teahyung having illness and whenever he want to ask, the time seem not right. 

No, hyung. Don't worry about that. The doctor told that Taehyung  had anxiety and PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)." Namjoon said. 

He being diagnose 5 years ago  after our parent death.  Actually he started to show the simptom 10 years ago."

"The year you were adopted?" Yoongi speaks up. "Yes hyung. In the same year. His parents were my adoptive family. That was when our father passed away." Namjoon was looking down. Isha could see that Namjoon tried to hide his sadness.

" I'll tell you more about his illnesses later. I should go now.  I think his fever was going down. but just call me if he needs anything. I'm sorry noona, hyung. " Namjoon said. 

"There is nothing for you to sorry for. Now we are here. we will look for both of you. right Yoongi."

Yoongi smile.  

"Don't worry about him, Joon. I'm just around. If anything happens, I'll help Noona care for him." Yoongi said. 

"Yes. Finish your breakfast. You're going to be late." Isha said.

After finishing his breakfast, Namjoon goes to the room to see how Taehyung is doing. He put his hand to his forehead. The fever had really gone down. Namjoon fixes the blanket and kisses them on the forehead. 

"Hyung, do you want a ride? I can drop you off at the cafe." Namjoon said.

"I think I just told my staff that I won't be here today. I'll help Noona look after them." Yoongi said. 

"NOO!!" They were both shocked. 

"Yoongi, I can handle both of them. Go to work, please. If something bad happens, I'll call you both." Isha told me. 

"Are you sure Noona?" Yoongi seemed upset.

"100 percent sure. So now, you both. Help me out by going to work." Isha pushes both of them toward the door. Before she closes the door, she gives them a hug to reassure them. She began cleaning the dining table and preparing food for both littles so they could eat breakfast when they woke up.

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