Chapter 5 - Working at new office

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"Jimin! Don't run. Please come here wear your clothes." Isha was tired this morning due to she did not have enough sleep last night.

Her boss call her to finish up the article about street food as they decided to make it as a main topic in the magazine and to start with a photo shoot for the article cover. Jimin was running back to his room and hid inside his closet.

"Jimin, please noona will late to the office. We play in the park later ok, noona promise after we going back from the office."

After that she saw Jimin slowly walk out from the closet. "Promise?" He ask while hand his pinky. Isha linked her pinky together and kiss his cheek. 

"Promise. Now go and get dress. Noona will come again in 10 minute. If you didn't get dress. You will leave all alone and no park for you for the whole week. "

"Please noona don't leave alone. I'll wear my shirt now. promise." His eyes was watery and about to cry. He quickly wear his shirt, pants and sweater. Isha fond with his cute behavior.

Isha walk out to the kitchen to prepare Jimin simple breakfast and medicine. Jimin has stomach issue that he always need to take the medicine and cant eat late. If not, he will had gastric and it's gonna be terrible day if he had that.

Isha made strong black coffee for her and warm chocolate for Jimin along with egg sandwich and chocolate muffin. She pack some bread and milk for Jimin as well just in case the meeting was drag and he start to get hungry.

"Noona, I'm done." Jimin hugging her from behind. Isha turn and kiss his forehead. She cannot resist Jimin affection. He was adorable. She laugh suddenly. He wearing his clothes wrongly and his belt was undone.

Isha quickly ask him to take his hand up so that she can take the shirt out and put it back properly. She fix the belt correctly and push Jimin towards the chair so that he can take his breakfast.

"Noona. say aaa.. eat too please?" Jimin begging her to take a spoon of the chocolate muffin. "Thank you chim chim. it's so good when you feed me." Isha ruffle his hair. 

"Hurry up chim, we gonna be late." Jimin quickly finish his food and drinks. running to the door to get his shoes. "Jimin, your medicine please."

"Ops sorry noona." Jimin open his mouth when he saw that Isha bring the medicine and water to him.

"lets go baby. We gonna be late. Please behave today ok. I'm not gonna be long. while we finish we can go to the park ok." Isha said while hold his hand. She afraid if Jimin get lost or running along.

"Morning Noona, where you head to?"

"Oh Yoonie. Morning. Noona going to the office. Need to had up and article to the boss. How are you had a good sleep.?" Isha ask.

" Yes. it's was great. Thank you noona." Yoongi saw Jimin was tightly clutch to Isha. He found that Isha always treat him like a baby. Did Jimin sick? He had so many question to ask but it's seem that Isha like to keep it secret. He really hope that Isha will open up a bit. He know Isha well.


Isha POV.

"Morning Ms. Jung, how are you?" Jimin greet the receptionist once the arrived at the office. 

"Aigo. my cute little mochi is here. How many time I told you to call me Nara noona?" Ms. Jung was hugging Jimin.

Everybody in the office cannot resist his cuteness. Jimin look at me waiting for approval. I'm chuckle and just nodded. "Sorry Nara Noona. I will call you like that then." while hugging Ms. Jung back. 

"Noona how Mr. Choi mood today? Did he ok?" I asked. "He always so bright unless you call him Mr. Choi than." Ms. Jung said.

Is not that I don't want but I just feel a little awkward to call my boss by his name. Especially when he was younger than me. I'll go to my office with Jimin and ask him to sit in the sofa.

Although I was seldom coming to the office. my boss decided that I need to have my own office as well. Even Though is small but It's comfortable enough for me to do my work if I decided to come to the office.

"Chim, listen to me. Noona gonna have a meeting with Mr. Choi. do not going out from the office understand. you can play the Ipad. or sleep if you want. I got a snack for you also in the bag. Just don't mess the office. Let Nara noona know if you need to go to the toilet. ok. as soon as noona finish we can going back and go to the park alrite."

"Alright noona. Don't worried Chim will listen to noona. Can Chim play with Jinnie uncle as well."

"Sure baby. But please be quite ok. Because Jinnie uncle like to keep it secret right.?"

"Ok noona." I was heading out with all the article and document and suddenly Jimin grab my hand and pout. I'm laugh. I pinch his nose and kiss his cheek and forehead.

I knock Mr. Choi office. Hearing his voice asking me to come in. "Morning Mr. Choi how are you?" I greet him. 

"Oh god Isha, for god sake. Please just call me by my name. Everybody in the office does. I made it equally to everybody now ok. You still had to respect me as your director but please?"

I was stuttered abit. "Ok Siwon shi, I will do that. Happy?" I said. He laugh while wink at me. 

"So this is the article that you ask me to do. We gonna talk about food. I think we should make it with a small scope. Every month we have different topic about food. put a fun fact notes on every article. We could open for a suggestion, best restaurant or cafe or street food. We can go and tried by our self and at the sometime we can ask if the owner like to collaborate with us. we can promote their shop at the same times the can provide discount or voucher for our reader."

"Wow, you have an impressive idea. that why I love you Isha. You give an excellent job even you have to take care of your brother. I'm so proud at the same time curious as well. " He was terrified when Isha hand over her resignation letter due to his brother condition. He tried to persuade him to take it back and give a flexibility for her to work with.

"Thanks so much. But. Can you give me a little bit time for me to start first article. It's quite handful for me. We just move to other place. Plus, next week will be Jimin check up. I had to make sure he in a good health to avoid him being warded again. It's too painful for him." 

Siwon wake up from his seat and walk to Isha. Pat her shoulder. "Of cause you can. Since it's near lunch. lets go we get to our first restaurant I guess. I will buy both of you a good food. Sorry for not throw any party for you." Siwon said and get his coat.

"No, please do be I'll be find." "Isha I'm not asking. this is an order. Let's get JImin. I'm waiting at my car." He head outside from his office without wait for me to reply to him.



A bit long. I'm sorry. Please vote and comment. 

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