Chapter 39 - He is Hurting.

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Long chapter and Triggered warning: Self harm

Jungkook went straight to his room when they got home. Hoseok stood in front of his door, trying to listen to any sound he made. When he hears the sound of the water, he lets out a sigh. Hoseok walked to his room to take a shower.

Jungkook has just finished putting on his pajamas when Hoseok comes in with a glass of milk and the medicine. His hair is still wet. Hoseok took the towel and helped him dry his hair. 

"Bun, you know you can tell Hyung anything." Hoseok said.

"It's nothing hyung. I promise. Just that I am a little tired." He said. He finishes drying his hair.

"Promise me that you won't keep anything from me?" Hoseok request. Jungkook gave a nod and a smile.

"Take your pills and go to bed. Get some rest." Hoseok ruffles Jungkook's hair. He walks out of the room and closes the door. Hoseok sighs. He knows that something is wrong with Jungkook.

He tried to ease his worries. Hoseok takes his phone from the table and hops into bed. He thinks that he should call Isha to ask for advice. He heard the phone dialing and waited patiently for Isha to pick up the call.

"Hi dear, How was your day?" Hoseok smiled as he listened to the voice. It's really soothing.

"I'm good. Just a little tired today. Pack with classes."

"You sound a little off hobi. Are you really okay?"

"I am worried about Jungkook. He seemed sad. I am not sure what happened to him today. It was fine before I left both of them to go to my next class. Once I'm done, I notice that he doesn't seem right."

"Did he fight with Taehyung?"

"I don't think so. Taehyung seems so happy today. Keep telling us about his playdate with Jimin. When we get home, he doesn't regress like he always does."

"Don't worry about it, hmm... I'm guessing he's tired from class or jealous of Taehyung's story. Littles are always like that. But you don't need to worry. He will be alright soon."

"You think so baby?"

"I know so. If that keeps bothering you. Let me drop by tomorrow. I see what I can do."

"Thank you baby. I miss you too. Please come anytime."

"Sure I will. Now I want you to take a rest, okay."

" I will. You too baby. Don't forget to take your medicine, okay."

After wishing Isha good night, Hoseok ends the call. He lay down to try to get some sleep.

While in Jungkook's room. Jungkook was in the bathroom at the time. The words that Taehyung tells him this evening keep going over and over in his head. He's worried that Teahyung will leave him. He is unable to express his love for Taehyung, despite his deep affection for him.

His tears flowed. "Am I not worth loving?" Jungkook took a blade out of the cabinet. He started cutting his hand slowly. The blood started to show and slowly trickled down.

"Is this why omma and appa left me?" He scrapes another cut on his hand. His tears rushed down his cheeks. He is extremely worried. His anxiety takes over his mind. Without him realizing it, the cut was getting worse and a lot of blood was dripping from his hand.

Hoseok is startled awake by a sudden thirst. After getting a bottle of water from the fridge, he decided to check on Jungkook, which will later be something he wishes had never happened.

"KOOKIE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Hoseok screams loudly. He was so shocked to look at Jungkook. His hand was covered in blood. Jungkook has regained his senses.

"Hyung, I'm sorry." He broke down in tears.

Hoseok quickly took the small towel and wrapped Jungkook's hand in it. He brings Jungkook into the room, puts him on the chair, and goes to the closet to get new clothes and a towel. He helped Jungkook undress and put on his new clothes.

Hoseok quickly walked to the kitchen to get the first aid kit so he could clean the wound. He sat down beside Jungkook and started to clean up the wound. Due to the burning sensation from the alcohol swab, Jungkook hisses every now and then.

The patch finally covered the wound. He lifted his head to look at Jungkook. He can see the tears staining his cheek. He picks up Jungkook and brings him to bed. Lay him down and wrap him up in the blanket.

Hoseok laid down next to him and wrapped his hand around Jungkook's waist. Stay close to him. "Why do you hurt yourself, baby? You did not love me?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Jungkook clenched his fist. He smudged his face on Hoseok's chest. 

"I feel sad. I don't think I'm good enough for everyone." Hoseok sighs. He gently ruffles Jungkook's hair.

"You are a great person, Pumpkin. You always look out for each other, you behave well, and you are always nice to me. Please don't think too much or try to be perfect, because nobody will be perfect in this world." Jungkook feels bad.

"You are always my top priority. I promised omma to take care of you. Everybody loves you, baby. Please don't feel like you're a burden. I know you keep something from me. Tell me." Hoseok stroked his cheek so he could wipe his tears away.

"I feel like everyone wants to leave me. Taetae too." Jungkook is still unable to look at hoseok.

"Why do you say that cupcake?" Hoseok asked. He could feel that Jungkook started to regress to his little spaces.

"Taetae is always good to everyone. He seems so close to minnie. I think he will leave me because I'm not fun like minnie."

"No, you don't. You are fun, and taetae, just be nice to everyone. And I heard from someone that taetae is like you more than a friend." Hoseok sees Jungkook's eyes sparkle.

"How do you know, dada?" Jungkook feels fuzzy.

" I just know it. Even when all three of you are together, Taetae always takes care of you. He's constantly looking for you. Also, based on what Noona said, Minnie already had his eyes on someone else, and that someone was not Taetae."

Jungkook smiled and hoseok felt relieved. "Let us sleep. We will talk about it more tomorrow, okay?" Jungkook nodded. He wrapped his arm tightly around Hoseok's waist. Hoseok rubs his back gently. Both of them immediately fall asleep.

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