Chapter 33 - Day of Meeting him

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Jin hears a knock at the door and gets up to open it. Ryeowok walked into the room with a bottle of water and medicine in his hand.

"I'm not forcing you to work. Hyung is still capable of taking care of you and the house. Please don't think so much." He handed Jin the medication and water, and Jin took the tablet and drank the water instantly.

Last week, His hyung told him that the cafe owner wanted him to come to the cafe for an interview. Tonight, he was so nervous thinking about the interview.

Ryeowok sat down by him and fixed the blanket. "If you don't like the environment, you can always go back." Ryeowook said. He didn't want Jin to think he was forced to work.

"Hyung, don't worry. I think I'll be all right. I should go out and do things I like." Jin said. Ryeowok smiles while he ruffled his hair. 

"Let's sleep. You need to get up early tomorrow for the interview." Ryeowook said.

He turned off the lights and left the room. He hopes that Jin will do well in his interview tomorrow.

Morning arrives. Ryeowook was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for them. He makes egg sandwiches, rice, and seaweed soup for their breakfast. He heats the water for the coffee.

Jin is drawn to the kitchen by the mouthwatering aroma. He saw that the meal had been set on the table. 

"Hyung, why didn't you wake me up? I can make you breakfast." Jin said.

"It's okay Jin. Hyung wants to make something for you today because it's the day of your interview. Please eat a lot to get energy. Hyung doesn't want you to pass out before your interview." Ryeowook said.

Jin was washing the dishes when Ryeowook told him to leave them in the sink. 

"I'll get it done. Get ready. Hyung will drop you off at the cafe." Ryeowook said. 

"But hyung, you already made breakfast." Jin tried to fight with him.

"No, but. Just go quick. You'll be late later." Ryeowook pushes him toward his room. He started to clean all the dishes and get ready to work.

The journey to the cafe was quite silent. Ryeowook knows Jin is nervous about the interview. He kept playing with his finger the whole way. Ryeowook reached out and grabbed Jin's hand tightly.

"You can do it. Hyung believes in you. If this interview doesn't work, we can always try another place." He said. Jin used his other hand on it. 

"Sure hyung." They finally get to the cafe.

"Call me when you're done. Hyung can pick you up." Jin put on a smile. 

"It's ok hyung. I can get a taxi. I'll call you when the interview is over." Ryeowook nodded.

At Isha house.

At home, Isha and Jimin are eating breakfast. Soon after, Yoongi came and joined them. Isha looks at his report while eating breakfast because she has to submit it today.

She will be at the office every Monday to turn in her article and report and have a short meeting with her team. Sometimes she'll look at jimin. He seems a little off today.

"How long are you going to be at work today?" Yoongi asked her. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe until 5 or 6 o'clock at night." Isha watches them. Yoongi sometimes feeds jimin. It took him some time to eat his food today.

"Did you have anything important to do today, Yoongi?" Isha asked. 

"The interviewees will come later. Other than that, I have nothing else to do at the cafe today." Yoongi answered.

"Would you mind bringing Jimin to the cafe today? if that's not bothering you?" Isha asked again. Yoongi's face lifts up. 

"Yes. I like it too." Isha smiled. 

"Minnie, do you want to go to the cafe with hyung?" Isha asked him.

She can tell that Jimin started smiling. 

"May I, Mummy?" He responded. 

"Of course you can. Finish your breakfast quickly. 

"Mummy will help you change clothes." Jimin clapped his hands happily.

 Jimin is still holding onto her waist when she leads them to the front door. "Please be kind to Yoongi hyung. I'll see you later this evening." Isha ruffled his hair and kissed him. 

"Call me if you need any help Yoongi." Isha said.

She gives him Jimin's backpack. "Don't worry noona. I'll keep Jimin safe and sound. Be careful on your way to the office. Don't make dinner today, please. I'll order something at the nearby restaurant." Isha gave them a nod and a wave as they left.

At the cafe.

Yoongi and Jimin arrived at the café to find his crew already there and began cleaning up the seating area. 

"Morning Jaehun." Yoongi greeted him. 

"Morning hyung. He said, 

"Aww, our Minnie is here, too."

"Jaehun, Hyung will be in the kitchen preparing the dish for today. I'm expecting someone for the interview. Please let me know if he arrives." Yoongi said. 

"Okay hyung." Jaehun responds and resumes his cleaning duties.

"Minnie, sit here ok. Don't disturb Jiji." Jimin gives a happy nod. Jimin likes to give them cute nicknames. He remembered when Jimin said that Minmin was coming, but he couldn't figure out who he was. Eventually, he found out that Minmin was the name he called Sungmin hyung.

Jaehun finishes cleaning and walks to the counter to get a drink of water. He also brought a glass for Jimin and sat next to him. They still have an hour before the cafe opens. 

"Jiji, do you want minnie to draw you?" Jimin asked.

"Sure minnie. Please draw nice pictures for me." Jimin gave a happy nod. He hung out with Jimin for a while before he started preparing drink ingredients at the drink counter. An hour later, Yoongi went to the front to help Jaehun open the cafe.

Jimin sat at the cash register and played with his plushie. He heard the bell, which meant someone had entered the cafe. Jimin stared with his mouth wide open at the man in front of him.

The man also reacted the same way. Jimin was about to yell, but a man stopped him and put his finger on his mouth. Jimin nods quickly and claps his hand. He was so happy to meet the man in front of him. The man was laughing as he watched Jimin.

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