Chapter 34 - Interview at the Cafe

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Jaehun looked over to Jimin and noticed a man standing in front of him. He walked toward them. 

"Welcome to Cherry Cafe. What could I do for you, sir?" He greeted him.

"Hi, My name is Kim Seokjin. Please just call me Jin. I am coming for the interview." He said. 

"Jinnie hyungie." Jimin giggled. 

"Hi, I'm Jaehun. That is Jimin. Don't mind him, please. He loves to give people cute nicknames." Jaehun giggled.

Jin also laughed with them. 

"That's fine with me. He's such a sweet boy." Jin said. 

"Please take a seat. I called Yoongi hyung." Jaehun said. He walks to the kitchen to tell Yoongi about him.

"Yoongi." Jin seems nervous. He sighs softly. 

"Yoonie bear." Jimin giggled. Jin nods laughing. Yoongi walks up to the counter while looking at Jimin happily talking with the interviewee. Yoongi gave him a beaming look.

Yoongi approached the table and looked at them. He cleared his throat before starting to talk. 

"Hello, my name is Min Yoongi, and I'm the owner of this cafe." Jin gets up from his seat, turns toward the voice, and bows slightly.

"My name is Kim Seokjin." Yoongi looked so puzzled. Jimin looked at the two of them looking at each other. He's suddenly jealous. 

"Jinnie hyungie. Why is hyung like that?" He asked. 

"I also don't know, pumpkins."

Jimin reaches out his hand to bring it back to reality. 

"Isn't Jinnie Hyungie so cute?" Jimin said. Yoongi's brow furrowed. 

"How do you know him baby?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin smacked his head playfully. 

"Uff. He just said his name hyungie." Jimin giggled. Yoongi laughs at his etiquette. 

"My apologies. Please take a seat. Let's start the interview. Also, do you mind that Jimin is sitting with us?" He asked.

"I don't mind him. He is so cute, after all." Jin said. Yoongi gave a small nod. He gets a little jealous when Jin praises him. The conversation lasted a while. Yoongi seems to be satisfied with Jin's answer.

"I believe you've been told to make a simple dessert for us to try. I will get Jaehun to help you in the kitchen. I'll give you an hour to do your task." Jin nodded his head in agreement.

While waiting for Jin to finish the dessert, Yoongi walks over to the counter to make Jimin a drink and some snacks. He has ordered their lunch and will eat it after the interview. He came back with chocolate milk, sugar butter bread, and some fruit and set the plate in front of Jimin.

After an hour, Jin and Jaehun come back to the table with the dessert in Jin's hand. 

"That is a strawberry crepe. This is great with tea or other beverages. We can change the sauce to chocolate or any fruit sauce." Jin said.

Jimin clapped his hands. Yoongi can tell that Jimin can't wait to try the dessert. 

"That was so pretty cute." Jimin said. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at the dessert. Jin laughed.

Jin cut up the dessert and gave three of them pieces to try. 

"That was so tasty, hyung." Jaehun said. Yoongi agreed. 

"Can I get more hyungie? Jimin asked. Jin felt relieved.

Jin is about to cut the crepe when Yoongi stops him. 

"I am sorry Jin. Jimin has still not eaten lunch. Minnie, Hyung will give this to you after you finish your lunch. Is that okay?" Yoongi looked at him.

"Okay hyungie." Jimin smiled. 

"Your resume showed you're older than us. Do you mind if we call you "hyung?" Yoongi asked. Jin nodded while smiling. 

"As for the ingredients..."

"It's ok hyung. I'm not very good at making food. So you don't need to explain it to me. As long as the food is good, it's fine with me." Yoongi said. 

"So far, I'm pleased with this interview. If we hired you, how soon do you think you could start?" Yoongi continued.

"I can start any time. Besides, I'm not working at the moment. So I don't have any problem with that." Jin said. 

"Do you think that you can start on Monday?" Yoongi asked.

Jin was taken aback. "Do you mean I've been chosen for this position?" Jin responded. 

"Yes, you are chosen for this position. Congratulations." Yoongi said. 

"Yeay... Jimin likes jinnie too." Jimin lifted his hand to the sky.

"Thanks very much. I cannot believe I will get the job. Thanks again. I think I'll make a move now. I'll see you on Monday." Jin said. Yoongi nods. 

"Bye hyungie. See you again." Jimin said.

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