Chapter 25 - Reborn again

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In the shade of a tree, Agent Kim sat and gazed at the lake in front of him. He was looking at Jimin playing with Jungkook and Teahyung. Since Jimin met Jungkook or Taehyung, he hasn't been able to play with him lately.

It's not like he never shows up when other boys are around. It's just that he doesn't want to ruin their happiness. Sometimes he smiles, and sometimes he cries. He put away his pink wand and turned his attention to Hoseok and Namjoon.

While looking at Namjoon, he could feel his heart racing rapidly. He wants to be there for him as they grow up. But the time has come for him to go. In all the time he has been watching them, he has never seen Namjoon date anyone. He is curious as to whether Namjoon is still aware of him.

"Jinnie, what are you doing here by yourself?" He was startled and turned around to see his superiors, Chulie Hyung, walking toward him. Not all angels know about this place. He quickly tried to close the picture he was staring at. 

"Jinnie, are you looking at your boyfriend again?" Superior Kim inquires?

"Ahhh. hyung, he is not my boyfriend. Never, ever be hyung," he muttered, his brow furrowing in agreement. He was aware of the restrictions, which said that they could not be in love with a human. 

Heechul was aware of Jin's knowledge of the rules, but he didn't know how well. That's why he fought for him to be sent back to the human world. Assisting humans and showing them affection is something he excels at.

"We need to go back. In 15 minutes, we have a meeting. Are you forgetting about it?" Heechul questioned. 

"Sorry, let's go back then," she said. Both of them arrive at the meeting place. There is one person in charge of them, and he thinks it's weird that only they were in the meeting halls.

Judge Park was opening the files he had in front of him. "Do you know why I called you here, Agent Kim?" He asked. 

"No, Sir." 

"There's good and bad news for you. I wonder where you want to hear first," Judge Park said. Jin was afraid. 

"I would like to hear the bad news first, Sir."

"You will no longer be needed here since all of your present responsibilities have been moved to Kim, the Superior. Jin panicked and started to cry. 

"I apologize, sir. But I'd like to hear exactly what I did wrong, because I'm confident that I didn't break any regulations. You can't do that to me, sir. I..." 

He turned to Heechul and just saw that Heechul was smiling and telling him to listen to Judge Park.

Jin tries to wipe his tears away, even though he knows it won't help. Because of the tear, his pink dust got into the robe. 

"Yes, you are doing well. No, you did a great job, so we decided to let you experience what it's like to be a human."

"When you get there, you will help the Park, Kim, Jung, and Min families. In an hour, you will be awake in Kim Seok-body. Jin's A guy who was in an accident two months ago, and you will be staying at Kim Ryeowook's house." Judge Park finishes giving his order and closes the book.

He approaches Jin and embraces him. 

"Thanks a lot and I hope you'll be able to locate what you're looking for. Live life to its fullest. Superior Kim will help you with everything." With that, he flicks his wand and disappears from the hall.

Jin's still surprised. He looked at Heechul with lots of questions. 

"Jin, will you be able to do things for Hyung when you get there? If you get a chance, would you tell Yoongi that Hyung loves him so much that he should please take care of himself? Jinnie yah, can you watch my little brother for me? Give him all the brotherly love you can. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure, Hyung. I will let him know. Hyung, I'll miss you. Would you be able to keep an eye on me? Would you tell me when you'll be able to reach me? Pleeeeeeease, I'll miss you so much." Jin cannot stop crying. Heechul nodded. Heechul raises his hand to guide Jin to the world door.

Jin slowly opened his eyes. He does not like how bright it is. He could see the white painted wall and a lot of machines around him. He knew that he was now alive again. He was happy. Suddenly, he heard a nurse shouting at him. 

"Doctor Kim, your brother has just woken up."

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