Chapter 12 - The family is completed

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         All of them is going up to the rooftop to setup the food, Namjoon start to set up the fire for the barbecue . Lucky they have the portable barbecue set and it going to be easy for them to clean it up after they finish cooking. Yoongi lay the cloth mat on the floor and set all the cutlery, plate and cup there.

They decided to sit on the floor eating. While Hoseok arrange all the food on the bench near the barbecue grill so that they will have easy access during grilling all the meat. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook enjoy playing with their plushy and coloring book that bought by Hoseok to kill the time.

He always faces on Jungkook that whining over while he preparing their dinner and he thought that this will help him to distract over the cooking.

          "Where is Isha Noona?" Namjoon ask. 

"She will be coming shortly. She might have done with the desert and Siwon Hyung is helping her down there. 

"Is Siwon Hyung is her boyfriend?" Hoseok ask.

Yoongi just giggle. 

"No he's not. He is Noona boss. They worked together for quite a long time." Yoongi said. Namjoon just looking at Hoseok face. He seem can read what on Hoseok mind.

          While at the house. Isha still walk here and there keep on thinking if she had forgotten on something. She put all Jimin stuff just incase Jimin need it. Blanket, pillow, sweeter and Jimin medicine. Siwon waiting at the door patiently.

Finally Isha reach out the door and lock it. Siwon grab the food basket and walk to the lift. 

"It's not that heavy. I can bring it." Isha said as she looked at Siwon with the Ice box and a plastic of snack. 

"Are you sure you ok Isha. You look so pale." Siwon ask and firmly grip the basket to avoid Isha take it from him.

"Yes. I'm ok don't worry about me." Isha said and look down. 

"If something about Jimin that make you sad just remember to talk to him before you sleep or tomorrow morning ok. I know you care about him, but sometimes just let him do things that he wants." Siwon said. Isha just nodded.

          They reach at the rooftop and found that all things has been setup. Isha quickly reach the grill set and laugh at Namjoon that currently sweating and full of dust on his face.

"Namjoon aah, you still clumsy as always. Why don't you just leave this to me. Let Noona cook all the food. You may join Yoongi there. You guys have lots of things right." Isha swipe his sweat and grab the kitchen tongs. She started to grill the skewer and chicken that she had prep meanwhile Siwon help him to take care of the fire.

Jimin slowly walk to Isha and grab her shirt. "Why baby, it's so hot here. Just bare for awhile. It's almost finished and we can eat together. Can you do that for Noona.?" Isha ask. Jimin just nodded.

          He grab Isha wrist again. Isha look at him and Jimin slowly swipe Isha sweat. She hand Isha an ice water as well. Isha so move and peak his cheek. 

"Thank you Minnie. You know that mummy always love you?" Isha whisper. Can you give me your smile? I miss that." Isha ask again.

Jimin wrapped his arm around Isha waist. "I'm sorry mummy. Minnie love you so much too. More than anything." Isha just nod and pat his head slowly. 

"Just ask Yoongi hyung if you need any food ok. I will be there to join you. " 

"I bet you are going to be a great mum when you having a kid." Siwon said. Isha just laugh.

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