Chapter 11 - A sweet reunion

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Siwon POV.

I don't know whether I really like her because I felt for her or because I like her of her personality. I know it's something that she hidden and I was so eager to know the truth behind her smile. It's just something that I need to protect without hoping for anything in return. 

I'm going down to the kitchen to have my breakfast and found that my dad was at the dining table reading his newspaper. 

"Good morning dad. What a surprise?" I greeted him. I think this is my lucky day as I am able to have breakfast with him. 

" He he. Why did you want to have breakfast with me? He asks. 

"No dad. You know that I am always waiting for that. But I know you are busy managing other business as well. I feel so lucky to see you early in the morning. Please give me a blessed day today." Siwon said while hugging his dad. 

"My bless always with you no matter where you go. Erm... , how Isha doing?" My dad ask.

I frown. Is there anything about Isha that I did not know. "She was fine. She just moving here with her little brother. Are you miss her? Or are you trying to having a relationship with her?"  I tried to joke around. 

"why should I? Just want to know her condition. I meet with with Dr. Park last week and he says that she barely got her check up?" Mr. Choi said. 

"Is she sick or something? can you tell me what happened?" I ask. 

"Sure I will. but you have to promise that you will take care of her?"

3rd Person point of view.

Siwon knock on the door and not long enough he saw Jimin open the door. "Siwon hyunggggg." Jimin said while hugging siwon neck. He picked up Jimin small body while turning around and carry him into the house. 

"Noona, siwon hyung is here." Jimin said. He ran to Yoongi and grab Yoongi hand and introduce him to siwon. 

"This is another Jiminie favourite hyung. Yoongi hyung. "Yoongi smile while shaking Siwon hand. 

"I,m Min yoongi. Please call yoongi. 

"Choi Siwon." Siwon reply with a bright smile.

"He should be Hyung to you Yoonie ah?" Yoongi immediately bow at Siwon while apologize. 

"I'm sorry Siwon shi." He look guilty. 

"Aish. Isha please don't do this. I just want to be friends with everyone. Just call me hyung please." Siwon said. Isha just laughing. 

"I don't know what to bring. I just buy some ice cream, cookies, snack and soft drink. Just for Jiminie."

"Yeay Ice cream. jimin want ice cream. let's scream for ice creaaaaammm" He quickly running to get a bowl and spoon. 

"No Jimin not now." Isha suddenly said. Jimin whined. 

"I want now." Jimin said with strong voice. 

"Jimin?" Isha look at Jimin. She snaps once Jimin throw the bowl and running to his bed.

Isha sit down and sigh. "I'm sorry siwon, Yoongi. you guys should not watch this." Isha said. 

"It's my fault. I should ask you first what should I buy." Siwon felt guilty. 

"No. its no one's fault ok. I think it's because Jimin not feeling well right Noona. Let me go and talk to him ok." Yoongi said while going to Jimin room.

"Is anything you would like me to help you Noona?" Siwon ask. He can feel the situation getting awkward. Isha finally gave a small smile. 

"I just need you to sit here and helping me to pack all the stuff that we will bring upstairs." Isha said. The doorbell rings again and Isha frown. Trying to remember if she expected any guest then. 

"Aah. That must be Namjoon. Give me a second Siwon. Let me get the door." Isha said.

"Hello Noona. Taetae bought this for Jiminie." Taehyung said while hugging Isha. He was so cute with the boxy smile. Isha hug him back and place him a kiss on the forehead. 

"So may I know who is another handsome guy beside you Taetae?" Isha ask. He seemed so shy and hide behind Taehyung back. 

"He my best friend. His name is Jungkook. You can call him Kookie, Noona." Taehyung said. 

"Come in kids. Please have a seat. Make you self at home ya. Noona still have a bit of work to do." 

Isha facing Namjoon that still at the door while hugging some stuff and a bouquet of flowers. 

"Why are you still here. Come in." Isha said. 

"This is for you noona. I bought some food as well for us and someone." Namjoon said.

"Ya Namjoon, why you left me with all the stuff."


"Isha Noona?"

Isha was shocked. She can believe that she will meet Hoseok. She running at him and hug him. Hoseok tighten his hug. While Jungkook was firmly grip the tip of his shirt. 

"Hey I know its emotional. But don't let it turn to sad story ok. We should have fun" Siwon was interface and clap hands. 

"Hi, I'm Siwon Choi. Isha officemate." Siwon give a bright smile while wink at Isha. Both Taehyung and Jungkook jump in excitement while hugging each other. 

"Noona can we meet Jimin please." Isha just nodded while wipe her tears. She did not want Jimin looking at her while she was crying


Yoongi sit beside Jimin on the bed while ruffle his hair. He just look at Jimin which is still in his outburst temper. Yoongi clears his throat and try to get talk to Jimin. 

"If I'll be Isha noona, I will be so hurt when my Jiminie did not like me. It's much hurt why my little brother hates me and did not understand why I'm doing that." Jimin only looking at the floor. His tears was overflow and Yoongi quickly wipe his tears and hug him.

"Jimin love noona so much. Jimin promise will not do that again. I swear I did not hate noona hyung. Will noona hate me too?" He cried hard. 

"No she not. She is an angel you know. She will not hate you. Not even once. Now, just wash your face and we will find a time to apologize to her ok. But in a while please behave and listen to noona. Promise?" Yoongi pick his cheek while showing his pinky finger. 

"Promise." Jimin link their finger and quickly run to the bathroom to wash his face.

Yoongi here the knocking sound. 

"Yoongi aah.. Would you get Jimin out. Everybody is here." Isha said from the outside. 

"Ok Noona, we will going out now." Yoongi reply. He frown. How many people that Isha invite for the picnic. He patiently waiting Jimin going out from the bathroom. 

"Hyung. Jiminie done. Lets go." Jimin grab Yoongi hand and quickly running outside.

"Jiminie." Taehyung scream while running to Jimin. The was hugging each other. 

"I miss you Taetae." Jimin said. 

"This is for you. A cat plushie. Namjoon hyung help me to pick this up." Taehyung quickly handover the plushie and pull Jimin close to Jungkook. 

"He is Jungkookie. One of my best friends as well." Jungkook just waive his hand and hide behind Hoseok. He was very shy person especially if meet with new people.

"It's been a while Yoongi hyung?" Yoongi was surprise. 

"Na nam.. Namjoon, Hoseokie.. .Oh my god." Yoongi still frozen beside Jimin. Namjoon and hoseok quickly run over to Yoongi and hug him. 

"We miss you so much." Hoseok said. Isha just watching from the Kitchen beside Siwon. Siwon hugging Isha shoulder while patting her back. He hopes that this happiness will last longer.

"So gentleman, and my Lady,should we start our picnic at the rooftop." Siwon said to cheer up the mood. 

"Yeay picnic." Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung was jumping excitedly.

"Let's go everyone."

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