Chapter 23 - Ice cream time.

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The three little humans wanted to ride in Namjoon's car, so in the end, only Isha and Hoseok were in Hoseok's car. Yoongi offers to follow Namjoon since he knows it would be hectic with three little children in Namjoon's vehicle.

As for Hoseok, he feels lucky that he can spend more time with Isha alone during the day. 

"Why do you keep smiling, Hobi? Is there anything you want to tell me? " Isha asks.

"I'm lucky to have you, Noona. Can I call you something else? I don't know why I feel weird calling you Noona. Hoseok asked. He feels nervous. He feels like he's moving quickly. But he did not want to lose Isha again. 

"Am I doing too much now?" Hoseok worries

Isha just laughed. "Nope. You can call anything you want, but if you can, only when we are together." Isha said. 

"Really?" Hoseok was very happy. 

"I am sorry." Hoseok made a frowning face.

"What do you feel bad about?" Hoseok asked. 

"Can you give me some time before we announce our relationship? I need to explain it to Jimin first." Hoseok smiled.

He gets Isha's hand and kisses it. 

"You worry too much, baby." It doesn't matter how much time you need. As long as you don't cut me out of your life." Isha tightens her grip to reassure Hoseok.

"I'm not going to do that to you. But I hope that you can be a little patient with me. I have to admit that I don't know much about relationships." Hoseok nodded and smiled.

Finally, they arrive at Lake Park. Those three were quickly getting out of the car. Isha was afraid that they could be heading for the lake in their haste. It turned out for the better for her since they raced towards her and dragged her to the park's ice cream kiosk.

"Just order whatever you want. It's my treat today. " Isha said, Give them the green light. They were cheering and taking turns giving orders.

"Chim wants chocolate and vanilla with choco sprinkles."

"Taetae wants strawberries and honey with a color sprinkle."

"Kookie wants bananas and strawberries with color sprinkled."

"2 cups of choco mint with peanut sprinkles please."

Namjoon looks at Hoseok. "It's for Noona and me, Joon." Hoseok said. 

"Haha. I thought you were going to ask for two cups of ice cream."

 "Joon, what do you want? I will order it for you." Yoongi asked him.

"2 scoop chocolate ice cream in cone." Yoongi nod. He quickly placing the order as the triplet already drooling at the ice cream counter. 

"Namjoon, Can you help them find their way to the table? Hobi and I  will bring the ice cream." Yoongi said. 

"Correct hyung. I don't want them to fall over with the ice cream." Hoseok agreed.

"Let's go  Noona, kids. Let's go sit down there near the lake."  Namjoon quickly holds hands with Taehyung and Jungkook, while Isha grabs Jimin's hand and walks toward the chair near the lake.

Jimin holds Isha's hands and sings the duck song while doing so. God knows where he listens to songs. 

"Noona, can we see duckies?" Jimin asked. Isha gives Jimin a smile and a nod, and then she leads him toward the lake.

She holds Jimin's hand firmly because she doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. After a while, she heard Taehyung call to say that the ice cream had arrived.

"Baby, let's go. Yoongi and Hobi are bringing us ice cream." 

"Yeay." They quickly walked toward the table. She takes out the wet tissue and gives it to everyone so they can wipe their hands before eating the ice cream.

Taehyung asked Namjoon if they could swing, and Namjoon said yes. He follows them to make sure that they won't get hurt.

Hoseok went after him as Jungkook held his hand and said, 

"I'd like to play, too." Isha just sits and watches as they play happily. 

"Noona, are you okay?" Isha was startled.

"I'm sorry, Noona, I didn't mean to startle you." Isha smiles at Yoongi and pats his shoulder. 

"I'm good. I'm just not feeling well. Perhaps as a result of the day's events at work the day before."

Isha continued to watch them. Yoongi, on the other hand, had a feeling something was wrong. But he knew that it wasn't his place to force Noona to tell him what was going on.

He's just hoping Isha will tell him later. It was getting dark, so they decided to walk to the nearby restaurant before going back.

When they finally got home, the kids were already asleep. Isha turned around and caressed Jungkook's cheek when she saw that he was sleeping soundly. 

"Night Jungkookie." "Sleep well. She told him

Isha reaches out to Hoseok's hand and kisses him on the cheek. 

"Okay, drive carefully. Give me a call once you get home." Isha said.

She gives him a big hug before she gets out of the car. Hoseok gave her a reassuring smile. 

"You too, baby. Please rest and remember to take your medicine. Okay, give me a call if you need anything." Isha gives a nod.

Isha walks toward Namjoon's car and finds Jimin and Taehyung already sleeping in the car. She give soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead.  Isha turn side to check on Jimin. 

"It's not a problem, Noona. I can carry him." Yoongi said as  he could tell what Isha about to pick Jimin up. Isha gives Namjoon a big hug and tells him to drive safely.

They finally walk toward their apartment. As soon as they got there, Isha unlocked the door and led Yoongi to Jimin's room.

"You okay?" Isha asks. She goes to the kitchen and brings Yoongi a glass of water. 

"Noona, he's not that heavy." Yoongi laughed. Isha walks to the closet to get Jimin's clothes while Yoongi helps her undress Jimin. He walks toward the bathroom with a wet towel and starts to clean Jimin. Isha had a smile on her face. She knows that if something happens, She can trust Yoongi to take care of Jimin.

"I should probably go now, Noona. I will see you tomorrow. Take a good rest, okay?"  Yoongi said, and he gave Isha a warm hug. Isha nods her head. 

"Thanks for today and for looking after Jimin." Isha said. 

"It's not a big deal, Noona. Did I tell you that I would take care of the both of you?" Yoongi asked. Isha just smiled.

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