Chapter 1: Meeting You

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Kirito POV:

"--an!...Onii-chan!" My eyes flickered open at the sound of someone calling for me. I looked around to see a short black haired girl. It was Suguha, my little sister, with her hands on her hips calling out to me.

"Onii-chan! Wake up or you're gonna to be late for the your first day at your new school!" She said, I glanced at my wristwatch to look at the time. It was 8:13am. My eyes widened in surprise at the time and I sat up on the living room couch.

I scratched my head and turned to Sugu, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I said as I yawned, she had an irritated look on her face and she said loudly, "What do you think I've been doing for the past 30 minutes!"

"30 minutes?!" I thought, "I must've been sleeping soundly." I quickly stood up and said, "Thanks. You can go to school yourself now." Sugu turned away with a 'hmph' and said, "School doesn't start 'til next week for me. We don't go to same school anymore, remember?"

I thought back and I do remember her saying that the other day. Nonetheless, I quickly raced up to my room to change into my school uniform and came back down in a flash. I immediately went to the kitchen and saw Sugu preparing breakfast for herself.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" She asked, "I already did this morning. You guys were still asleep." I answered as I took a slice of bread and placed it into the toaster, "Don't tell me you woke up at 4 in the morning again?" She said worriedly, as I took a toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the kitchen sink.

I brushed my teeth and in less than 3 minutes I was done. The toaster shot out the slice of bread and I grabbed it as I placed my toothbrush back into the cabinet. "Bercouli has the car ready." Sugu said, "Thanks. I owe you one, Sugu. See you when I get back!" I said and I dashed toward the front door of the mansion.

I got out of the mansion and ran down the stairs leading to the driveway. I rushed towards the gates and saw Bercouli beside the car. I quickly went toward him as he said in his deep masculine voice, "You're quite late sir." As he opened the car door, "Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting." I said in response. I entered the car and he went over to the driver seat.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was already 8:20 and class started in 10 minutes. "Double time, Bercouli." I said, "Yes, sir." He responded as he hit the gas and we were off to school.

We arrived at school less than 10 minutes later and I got out of the car as quickly as I could, "Thanks!" I said and ran towards the school gates. They were about to close, the security guard didn't noticed me so I had to jumped over the nearly closed gates.

The gates closed behind me as I continued to run to class. I entered the school hallway as the bell rang signaling class was about to begin. I ran to my homeroom class which was Class 2-B. While I was running towards the classroom I noticed 2 people wearing student uniforms.

As I ran past them, I glanced at them and the one on the left locked eyes with me. She had long, orange-brownish chestnut hair and her gorgeous hazel eyes locked onto my midnight black ones causing them to widen slightly in surprise at her beautiful features. The other one had gorgeous, long, purplish-black hair, and red eyes but was overshadowed by the chestnut haired girl's beauty.

It was as if time had stopped for just a moment before I dashed past her. I looked back for a moment and saw that she looked back as well before facing forward and running to class.

I opened the classroom door in a haste and saw that the teacher still wasn't there. Everyone in the room looked at me in confusion and in the next moment their expressions became grim and they all went back to their sits.

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