Chapter 32: New Year's Eve Dinner

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-6 Days Later-

Kirito POV:

I was sitting on my desk, analyzing blueprints of a new project Argus Inc. had planned when my phone vibrated. I checked the caller and smiled upon seeing that it was Asuna.

I hit the 'accept call' button and linked the call to my earphones as I continued analyzing the blueprints of the project.

"Hey! I know this is kinda sudden, but are you busy?" Asuna said.

"Hmm, not really," I said.

I finished writing down some improvements and suggestions I thought of for the project in my notebook before turning off my computer and giving all my attention to Asuna.

"What's up?"

"Well, I had a talk with my parents earlier."

"Uh, huh" I took a sip of the tea on my desk.

"Uhm, how do I put this? They want to meet your family."

I spit out my tea and nearly dropped my mug after hearing what she said.


-2 hours ago-

Asuna POV:

I was doing my morning yoga exercise in my room when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said.

To my surprise, both my mom and dad entered the room. I wasn't going to stop exercising and they didn't seem to mind. They sat down on my bed as I stood on one leg to do a stretch.

"We didn't have time to ask since we were busy but... How was your trip?" Dad said.

"It was great!" I said.

"I'm glad. You were at the Kirigaya family's winter retreat, right?"


"Did anything happen while you were there?"

I lost my balance and nearly fell on the ground upon hearing this question.

"Uhm, some things did."

"Do you mind telling us?" Mom said.

I turned to her and saw a genuine look of interest. Due to seeing that, I decided to talk about some of the things that happened while I was there.

After a few stories, including the one where Kirito got drunk and became unconscious, they seemed ready to leave after hearing about my experience.

"Well, I'm glad you had a great time." Mom said as dad and her rose.

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask, but who gave you that ring?" Dad said.

I looked down at my left hand's ring finger. Slipped on perfectly was the beautiful silver diamond ring Kirito gave me. I quickly hid my hand behind my back.

"Ring? W-What ring?" I said.

Dad raised an eyebrow and shared a look with mom before they both sat back down.

"This will be interesting." Dad said, "So, who gave it to you?"

I hate it when he teases me. I tried thinking of an excuse and even tried to remove the ring off my finger and hide it in my back pocket but in either case, they'd find out eventually.

I sighed and showed them the ring.

"Oh! That's a good diamond on there." Mom said.

"Mhm, whoever gave it to you has a good eye. Could it be... Kazuto?" Dad said.

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