Chapter 51: Shikimi Kamura

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Asuna POV:

It was lunchtime when I made my way to the student council room after eating lunch with Kirito and the others.

It's been about a week since the school year started and the new transfer students arrived at the school. Due to the sheer number of them, I still haven't finished getting their requirements, such as their school uniforms and textbooks, in order.

I've even heard rumors that Kirito's former school shut down because most of their second and third years transferred here. Though, it was still hard to believe.

Honestly, I knew Kirito was popular, but I didn't expect him to be this popular.

I soon arrived in the hallway leading to the student council room and to my surprise Shikimi Kamura was waiting at the door.

Curious, I quickened my pace. She noticed me soon enough and bowed slightly as she greeted me.

"Good afternoon, president."

"Good afternoon as well, Shikimi. Do you have business with the student council?"

"I may seem impatient when asking this but... Have you thought about my request to join the council?"

Ah! I stiffened up at her question. I had completely forgotten about it with all that's been going on.

"I'm so sorry. The student council has been busy lately with all the new transfer students so we haven't gotten around to discussing it."

"There's no need to apologize. You're not to blame for having a lot of work."

She's more understanding than I thought she'd be. I reached for the door of the student council room.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to get this done."

I showed her the documents I was holding and opened the door. But before I could enter she called out to me.

"If it's not much trouble, is it okay if I help you?"

Her request was so unexpected that I nearly dropped the documents in my hands.

After getting a better hold on them, I asked, "W-Why do you want to?"

She glanced behind me for a moment. Her eyes told me she expected someone to come, but no one ever did.

"I can see that your council members are not here right now. I fear that you might suffer from fatigue if you handle all these documents by yourself, preventing you from making the right decisions."

What Shikimi said was true. If I did this all by myself I'd only be suffering from unnecessary fatigue. She reminded me that Sinon and Alice weren't with me today.

Sinon called saying she came down with a fever and was absent for the day. Alice was spending time with Eugeo. I couldn't blame her. With Shiro around, I guess she wants to feel safe as much as possible.

Refusing Shikimi's request would only bring disadvantages.

"Sure! I'd be more than happy to have you. Though, I hope you don't think this means you're on the council."

"Of course. I'm simply helping out of concern for your well-being."

We then entered the room. I quickly sat at the head of the table and placed all the documents down.

Whilst I was stretching my hands from having carried them, I noticed Shikimi looking around the room.

"Is something wrong?" I said.

"No, not at all. I'm simply amazed by the interior. I didn't manage to get a good look the last time I was here."

I could see why she was amazed, much to my embarrassment. Once a new student council president gets elected, the items and personal belonging of the previous one would be removed from the room.

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