Chapter 60: School Tour

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Kirito POV:

After I told Asuna about Yui and heard her answer to my question, I noticed I slept better and became more productive than I usually was.

Despite the several projects dad gave me, I managed to finish them all in a week, which was a new record for me. The only explanation I could think of was my talk with Asuna.

With this newfound productivity and sense of enlightenment, I confidently entered the second semester of the school year.

This semester would be when Shiro, his partner, and I would finish this once and for all. Whether we won or lost, dragging this out any further would be troublesome.

For the time being, however, I needed to find out who his partner was before I could take action. With the 500 million yen I gave them, they must also have plans.

Even if their plans were unknown to me, I just needed to make one flexible enough to adapt to any situation thrown at me.

During summer vacation I kept a close eye on everyone, both for their protection and for the investigation. In the end, while we confirmed they were none of our friends, we still failed to find Shiro's partner.

Once the first day of the second semester kicked off, I jogged to school and met up with Asuna on the way, where we discussed how to get close to the other student council members.

"Only a few events are available where we can have others help the student council, so it might be difficult to get in contact with them." She said.

I expected it was gonna be difficult to approach them, and with the events where we could approach them being widespread, they'd be too busy to talk to us.

"Is it possible to create an event instead? You can do that, right?" I asked.

"It's possible, but without a legitimate reason, it may be difficult for the school to accept it even if the student council unanimously agreed."

A legitimate reason, huh? I'd have to think about one then.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I thought the old third years should show the new first years, and maybe even the transfer students, around the school as an event. Teaching about its traditions and culture, you know? It'd be great if you could get the student representatives to participate as well."

"Hmm, I'll bring it up in our meeting later and see what everyone thinks then."

It seemed she came up with a reason before I could. So this was what it was like to rely on someone... It wasn't a bad feeling.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

We arrived at the school and parted ways as she went to the student council room and I went to my class.

Daichi still hasn't returned to me with a response from his uncle for what I had asked him. I took my time, but if we left them alone, it could be a problem in the future.

-One Week Later-

Classes came and went as a week passed. While I waited for my first period to start, Asuna and Alice barged into my class looking for me.

Confused, I rose from my seat as they ushered me into the hallway.

By this point, the transfer students were well-aware of my relationship with Asuna as some of the girls looked at her with disdain.

We better hurry up with whatever they need me for. Otherwise, they'll riot.

"So, what did you call me for? They're still not used to us."

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