Chapter 35: A Request

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Asuna POV:

Kirito and I walked through the doors that lead to the student council room. The room was air-conditioned but even that didn't stop me from sweating upon seeing president Hirata at the head of a large, brown table at the center of the room.

The light coming from the windows were dim due to them being tinted in black making the atmosphere in the room suffocating.

My heart was beating out of my chest as I gulped. I glanced at Kirito, but to my surprise, his face didn't show a hint of nervousness. I took a deep breath as the doors behind us closed and were greeted by president Hirata.

"Please, sit." Hirata said, gesturing to two of the many seats surrounding the large table.

I stayed still for a moment when Kirito grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from trembling.

"Here." Kirito said, pulling a seat out for me and I slowly sat down.

He did the same and a silence followed. I rubbed my hands together as both us waited for president Hirata to speak. Finally, after signing a few papers, president Hirata placed his pen down.

He turned to us, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything when I sent someone to get you."

"...No, not at all. What did you want to see us for?" Kirito said.

President Hirata put a hand on his chin and remained silent. He switched between looking at Kirito to me for a few moments before exhaling, "I have a request."

"A request?" Kirito said.

"For Asuna."

"For Asuna?" Kirito glanced at me.

"Yes." President Hirata looked at me and I turned away immediately, "As you know, I'm already a third-year which means I'll be graduating by the end of March. I want someone to be my successor in the student council when I leave."

"And that someone is Asuna?"

"I would've chosen you Kazuto but I know you'd refuse. I even talked to Quinella-sensei about it. Nonetheless, I wanted you to be present to hear what might be said."

I gathered up as much as courage as I could and said, "B-But why me?"

I jumped a little as president Hirata rose from his seat and walked to the other side of the table from where we were sitting.

"I have 3 reasons for choosing you." He said, showing three fingers before leaving only one, "Reason number one, you're smart. You have the highest grades amongst all of the female students in your year, if not the entire school."

He raised another finger, "Number two, you follow and enforce the school rules. A student council member must be honest and have integrity and the president must have both above all others."

He raised one more finger, "And number three, you're well-liked. You have a high chance of winning the election at the end of January if you ran for president."

I said nothing. I couldn't say anything. He complimented me, I think? Was I dreaming? I must still be in bed, there's no way the president would compliment me.

Suddenly, I jumped as I felt a jolt pass through me from my waist. I quickly looked to my right to see Kirito lightly squeezing my waist.

"W-What are you doing?!" I said.

He let go before I could hit him and said, "Sorry, but you were too preoccupied in your thoughts that you were no longer listening to us."

"Eh?" I unconsciously blurted out.

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