Chapter 9: Mid-Term Results

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-2 weeks later-

Kirito POV:

The day of the Mid-Term Exams has come. The others and I have been studying hard for the past 2 weeks. If we fail, we could get suspended or worse.

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense. Everyone knew that the stakes were high. I, however, was relax. If everything went according to how I predicted and planned, the others should be alright. The first subject was English and we were currently waiting for the scheduled time for the exams to begin.

"Do not turn over your papers until I say so." Fanatio-sensei said and passed the test sheets as the scheduled time arrived.

I took the piece of paper in front of me placed on my table and waited for her signal. Every student was required to place all of their belongings other than pencils, pens, and erasers in their lockers before they arrived in class to avoid cheating.

"Please refrain from leaving the class to go to the restroom or becoming sick. Now..." Fanatio-sensei said, " may begin!"

Everyone turned their test sheets over at her signal.

"What?" I heard Eiji blurt out from beside, before quickly becoming silent again.

I felt him glance at me as I read through each of the questions on the test. It seems my plan will work as I started answering each one of them.

-After The Exams-


I stood up from my seat as the bell rang signalling classes are over. There were still exams during the tomorrow for the second portion but that didn't matter since my plan seems to be a success.

As I was about to leave the classroom Eiji called out to me, "Hey, Kazuto!"

I turned to the sound of his voice as he walked over to me, "What is it?" I asked.

"How'd you know?" He said.

I tilted my head and asked, "Know what?"

"How'd you know the questions on the test?" He asked, more clearly this time.

I smiled at his question, "Do you think you'll pass?" I asked, instead of answering.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, definitely. The questions on the test were similar to the questions on the questionnaires you gave us." He answered.

"But how were they similar?" He asked, confused.

I patted his shoulder and said, "I'll tell you when we meet up with the others, so let's go."

I left the classroom and Eiji followed after me. We made our way to the roof where we usually had lunch with the others. When we arrived the others were already waiting.

We walked over to them and Yuuki asked me a question similar to Eiji's, "Kazuto, how'd you know about the questions on the test?"

Eiji and I sat down on the bleachers and I turned to look at the others. They each had an anticipating and curious expression on their face. I sighed realizing that I couldn't lie to them.

"Well, before I explain let me just say this." I began, "I promise that I won't be doing anything like this again, so you guys better study harder from now on."

They all nodded, understanding.

Asuna confirmed this by saying, "We understand."

I sighed again as I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, where do I begin?" I said as I started explaining.

-Flashback to 3 days before the exam-

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