Chapter 14: Realization

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Third Person POV:

Kirito and Asuna looked at each other in surprise. Neither of them expected to meet the other here. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds until they were snapped back to their senses by a voice.

"Asuna!" Yuuki called out from behind her.

They both turned to see Yuuki walking towards them with Yuna and Eiji.

Yuuki looked behind her best friend to see what's got her so taken aback but when she did, she too was surprised.

"Kazuto?" Yuuki muttered, surprised.

"Hey, Yuuki." The raven-haired boy said, waving awkwardly.

Yuuki blinked blankly at the boy thinking it was an illusion. After a while she realized he was real.

"Kazuto!" Yuuki said, hugging him.

Kirito was surprised by her actions but reciprocated the hug. Yuuki eventually broke the hug as she smiled brightly.

"What are you doing here? We haven't seen you all summer!" She asked.

Asuna and the others have been asking Kirito to hang out with them again ever since summer vacation started. However, he had always declined due to his many projects.

"I'm, uh, actually here with some friends of mine." Kirito said.

"You're friends?" Asuna said, suddenly.

Kirito nodded and as if on cue a voice called out for him.

"Kirito! Kirito!" Eugeo's voice called out.

Kirito heard the voice of his best friend calling for him and turned around to see him with Sugu and Alice. They walked over to them and Sugu tilted her head, confused.

"Who're they?" She asked.

"Oh, right, I haven't introduced you yet." He said.

Kirito cleared his throat before he began, "Guys this is Asuna, Yuuki, Eiji, and Yuuna but you can just call her Yuna." He said, "And this is Sugu, Eugeo, and Alice."

Both Eugeo's and Alice's eyes widened in surprise as they heard Asuna's name. They immediately walked over to her and started talking.

"So, you're Asuna Yuuki? Kirito told us a lot about you." Eugeo said.

"Yeah, the last time we visited him you were all he talked about." Alice added.

Kirito became flustered by their statements and pulled them away from Asuna before they embarrassed him any further.

"Y-You don't have to tell her that!" Kirito exclaimed.

The both of them laughed at Kirito's protest and promised that they'll try not to embarrass him. Kirito was a little worried about the 'try' part but it was better than nothing.

Kirito turned back to Asuna as she tilted her head, confused.

"Kirito?" She said.

"Oh, yeah. That's my nickname, it's a contraction of both my first and last names. 'Kiri' Kirigaya and 'to' from Kazuto." Kirito explained to her.

"I see, then I'll you that from now on Kirito!" Asuna exclaimed, happily.

Kirito felt his cheeks become hot by her calling him by his nickname and blushed slightly.

"Yeah, I'll call you that too!" Yuuki said.

"Anyways, it's good to see you." Eiji said with a smile whilst extending his hand.

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