Chapter 21: Parents Are Home

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Kirito POV:

I gestured for everyone to be quiet as I answered my phone, placing it against my ear. They were confused but became silent which I was grateful for.

I gulped before saying, "Hello?"

"Kazuto?" An unexpected voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mom?" I questioned, "What are you doing with dad's phone?"

"Oh, I borrowed it from him since mine's dead. Anyways, that's not what I want to tell you." She said.

"Oh, right. What is it?" I asked.

"Well, your father and I have left the airport. Bercouli just picked us up and we're now heading home, I just wanted to tell you before we arrived." Mom said.

My heart skipped a beat at her words. They returned earlier than I had anticipated. I internally panicked knowing that my dad and she were already on their way home.

That was probably why Bercouli had a grim look earlier.

Not revealing my unease, I responded to her calmly, "Got it. Thanks for telling me."

"It's no problem. Knowing you you're probably not in the house right now, huh?" She said.

"How did you-" I was saying but was cut off by her.

"It's called mother's intuition!" She said, giggling.

"Well, thanks for letting me know, but... Why'd you tell me?" I asked.

"Well, you know your father. He gets angry when you're not at home without a good reason. I didn't want that to happen so I wanted to tell you ahead of time." She said.

A smile formed itself on my face as I said, "Yeah, thanks, mom. I'll hurry back home then."

"Alright, we'll see you when we arrive. Stay safe." She said.

"You too." I replied before hanging up.

Immediately afterward, I stood up as quickly as I could and turned to Eugeo and Alice.

"We're going home." I said, anxiously.

"W-What's the matter?" Eiji asked, confused by my sudden desire to leave.

"Don't tell me they're..." Eugeo muttered, not wanting what he thinks to be true.

"They are. Now let's go." I said with a serious look.

"Right, uhm, sorry guys we have to get going before Kirito's parents arrive home." Eugeo said with a nervous smile as he stood up.

The others looked at us with surprised faces. They never expected what he just said.

"Enough talk, let's go." I said.

"Right." Alice said as she stood up as well.

"We'll call you guys later." I said and the three of us left the room.

We ran down the mall and hurried to the escalator.

"Did you tell Bercouli that we were going home already?" Alice asked.

I shook my head, "He's driving mom and dad right now. He can't get us." I said.

We exited the mall and looked for a taxi. Luckily, we managed to get one quick and we all entered. I told the driver the address and added that I'd pay him triple if he got us there in 10 minutes.

The airport was 30 minutes away from our mansion so if we got home in 10 minutes we'd have made it on time.

The driver was reluctant at first but eventually agreed and stepped on the gas as we rushed home.

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