Chapter 48: Surprise Transfers

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Third Person POV:

The short, yet long, spring break finally came to an end and school was back in session. Kirito met up with Eugeo and Eiji outside of his house as they planned to meet up beforehand.

However, Kirito was the one who asked to meet up in the morning before heading to school which prompted the other two to question what was going through his head as he usually showed up at their houses without any prior notice instead.

So, to inform them beforehand, and ask them to come over at that, was nothing short of unusual.

Kirito exited the gate of the Kirigaya mansion and slightly raised his hand at the two boys waiting for him as they walked to school.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Kirito said.

"It's fine. But it's unusual for you to have us come to you instead of the other way around." Eugeo said.

"It's just a precaution. By the way, where are Alice and Yuna? Don't you guys usually walk to school together?"

Both boys exchanged glances before Eiji answered.

"We do, but since you called us out we thought it was best to go alone."

"I see..."

"Is something wrong with them not being here?"

"No, I just thought they'd come with you."

"So, what did you call us out for?" Eugeo said.

"I'd like to see something for myself and you guys are the best candidates to come along with me. We're still in the same class, after all."

They were now part of class 3-B. Eugeo and Eiji didn't think anything of it, but Kirito did. He'd contacted the rest of his classmates asking what their class was this year and as he expected it was class 3-B.

While it wouldn't have been unusual for some of them to be in the same class, for all of them to remain together was abnormal. This was the reason why Kirito called the two boys walking beside him to go to school together.

Due to the distance between the Kirigaya mansion and the school, it took a while as they finally arrived at the school's entrance. They switched into their indoor shoes and walked along the hallway, but there was something off with their surroundings.

"It's unusually quiet." Eugeo said.

The first floor was empty, but that was to be expected since the entrance ceremony for the new freshmen was scheduled for today. However, when they stepped foot on the third floor that changed.

Countless gazes turned to focus on the three boys as everyone fell silent at their appearance. This silence didn't last long, however, as a girl's voice from amongst the crowd exclaimed loud and clear.

"I-I-I-It's Kazuto!!"

Upon hearing this the students snapped back to their senses and seemingly realized this as well as they ran toward them.

Anyone would believe it if one said an earthquake was happening as their collective footsteps shook the ground as they made their way over.

Kirito noted a few familiar faces among the crowd of students making their way towards them. Students that weren't from this school. He shook his head, casting these thoughts aside for now as he took half a step back.

"See you later?" Eugeo asked.

"See you later." 

Kirito turned on his heel and broke into a sprint away from the crowd of students.

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