Chapter 10: Trouble

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Kirito POV:

Since the Mid-Terms were now over, everything turned back to normal more or less. Liz, Yuna, and Silica have been attending their clubs with Eiji going with Yuna since he was her boyfriend.

Everyone has now been studying hard and paying more attention during class since I wasn't going to be pulling off another plan like last time.

Asuna, Yuuki, and I were walking down the hallway since it we were having a snack break. We talking about our previous class which was Science, when suddenly we heard someone shout.

"Hey! Somebody help!" A person shouted out. The three of us turned to the voice and we rushed over to see what was going on.

We turned the corner to see and Eiji, Yuna, and three other boys I didn't recognize. Eiji and one of the boys had bruises, the boy had more severe ones while Eiji had mild ones.

It seemed like they were having a fistfight. The boy glared at Eiji before throwing a punch. Eiji evaded it but was met by a punch to the stomach.

Eiji retaliated by throwing a left hook at the boy causing him to stagger back. They glared at each other and both were ready to throw another punch.

They threw their fists at the same time and were going to hit the other's face, but at that moment I stepped in. I placed both my palms in the way of their fists and gripped them tightly, making sure they couldn't get loose.

"That's enough." I said, both their eyes widened in surprise at my sudden appearance. I let go of their fists as they took a step back.

"Kazuto?" Eiji said, surprised.

I looked at him and was about to speak when the other boy threw a punch. I narrowed my eyes and evaded his attack as I grabbed his wrist. I pushed his chest with enough force to slam him into the nearby lockers.

"I said that enough." I said once again.

I gave the boy a serious look and he didn't attack again. The two boys, who assumed were his friends, went beside him. They looked at me with anger as Asuna and Yuuki came over.

I turned to Eiji once more and asked in a serious tone, "What happened?"

It took a moment before he could answer since he was still surprised by my intervention.

Once he regained his senses he said angrily, "That guy punched me! He also insulted Yuna!"

I looked behind Eiji to see Yuna with tears in her eyes. My eyes lightened a bit at this before returning to their serious look.

I looked back at the three boys and saw that they were still glaring at me. I looked back at them in anger and noticed one of them step back a bit when I looked at them.

"What's your name?" I asked the boy that Eiji was fighting earlier.

He brushed off a bruise as he glared at me before answering, "Ken, Ken Ugachi."

It didn't seem like he was intimidated by me. I was about to ask something else when someone said, "The principal's office. The five of you."

I turned to see who it was and saw the student council president, Hirata Kanji, standing in front of a large crowd of students. We locked eyes with one another as the atmosphere became tense at his arrival.

"We'll discuss this there." He said.

I didn't have anything to say to him so I turned to Eiji.

"I'll come with you." I said and he nodded in response.

"Me too." Yuna said.

Eiji was about to refute Yuna but saw the serious look on her face and decided against it. Hirata left and the three boys reluctantly followed behind him.

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