Chapter 37: The Election

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-Two Weeks Later-

Asuna POV:

Over the past two weeks, both vice president Daichi and I have been competing ruthlessly. There were surprisingly a few other candidates but most, if not all, of them quickly dropped out after seeing what both of us were like.

Alice and Eugeo created a new plan so we managed to stay in the election. Vice president Daichi had also gathered plenty of votes so it was hard to tell which of us was leading.

Today was election day and tomorrow would be the closing of votes. Most of the students still haven't voted yet so today was our last chance on getting them to vote for me or else it would be over.

I was practicing the speech I wrote in the empty music room by myself when president Hirata entered. His gaze traveled around the room making it look like he was looking for someone.

"I-Is there anything I can do for you, president?" I said.

"I'm looking for Kazuto. Do you know where he is?" He said.

"Uhm, I think he said he'd be in the gymnasium to see if anything was wrong. Speaking of that, shouldn't you be there?"

"I have Shino taking my place. Thank you I'll get going."


He turned to leave but paused. He stood still for a moment before turning to me.

"Do you need help with anything?" He said.

"Uh, n-no? I don't think so." I said.

He walked over to me and gestured for the paper that contained my speech. I gave it to him and he read through it. His eyebrows rose and settled every few seconds which made me nervous.

I hope it isn't too extravagant or something. Another moment later, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I-Is it good?" I said.

He turned to me, his face expressionless, and said, "It's horrible."

It was as if an arrow hit me in the heart or someone stabbed my gut with a knife after hearing his words.

I stepped back and hung my head low, "I'm sorry..."

"Well, the first thing we need to do is make it much shorter. No one is going to remember everything you'll say if it's this long. After that, we'll get rid of your impossible promises and then..."

I looked up at him in awe and immediately wrote down his suggestions on my notepad. After a few minutes, I let out a sigh as I looked at my notepad filled with over a dozen improvement suggestions.

My confidence and morale crumbled as I grumbled about how bad my speech must have been from just looking at how many suggestions there were.

"That's about everything." President Hirata said.

"Thank you for your help, president!" I said.

"You should stop calling me that. I won't be the president for much longer."

"You'll always be to me! And I'm sure the others feel the same way!"

He seemed to have been taken aback by what I said and looked away, "Well, if that's everything, I'll get going."

"Right! Thank you again!" I bowed.

Like before, he didn't leave and stood there. Is he always this in this indecisive? If you say you're going to leave you should leave. I looked up and he looked me in the eye.

His gaze was cold. It was as if he was analyzing me. Nothing could escape his eyes.

"Uhm, president?" I said.

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