Chapter 52: The New Student Council

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Asuna POV:

A week passed as the club fair was held on the third week of April. Preparations for the fair were already complete thanks to the help of Sinon.

I was circling back and forth in the backstage of the gymnasium as I restlessly waited for my turn. The student council would be the last one to present their speech to the new first years and transfer students.

I couldn't help but feel a weight on my shoulders.

If I knew it was gonna be this hard, I would've had someone else handle this!

While I despaired over that thought, there was no turning back now that I've come this far. The last club bowed on stage as they finished their speech and I inhaled a deep breath to compose myself.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I was wondering whether or not this was what someone experiences before they have a heart attack when Sinon gave me a signal with her eyes and I walked on stage.

I decided to follow Hirata's lead and Sinon and I agreed that she wouldn't name me when it was my turn to go on stage.

I stepped onto the podium as I looked out into the crowd of students. Hundreds of students talked among one another disregarding my presence.

The ones that knew who I was didn't say anything and waited for me to speak while the new first years and transfer students discussed which club they were going to join.

This must've been what Hirata saw last year as well. That time, he didn't say a word but he managed to silence the entire gymnasium with his presence alone.

Unfortunately, I wasn't like him. There was no way I could be like him. He held the title of the greatest student council president in the school's history.

I needed to take a different approach to things. This is where teamwork came into play. One by one the third-year students who I was close with hushed the students who were talking.

I don't have the same presence and authority as Hirata but I can count on others to make up that difference.

There were a few students, mostly third-year transfers, who caused a scene but were quickly silenced by nearby teachers and event organizers.

The students looked at me in both confusion and curiosity. They were probably wondering who I was and why the other third years silenced them when I went on stage.

While there were still a few whispers, once the gymnasium was quiet enough, I cleared my throat to begin my speech.

"I am the student council president, Asuna Yuuki. The student council currently has positions open for those who wish to join. We require only 3 things from you:

1. Your dedication to the school and its vision and mission.
2. Your competence. We won't accept those who are ignorant and close-minded no matter how excellent you are.
3. Your integrity. To be a member of the student council you must uphold the ideals and values of the school. We trust that you will enforce the school's rules and regulations against those who break them.

If you meet the aforementioned conditions, then we will accept you with open arms. You can meet me within the student council room if you wish to join."

I looked around the gymnasium to see who among them was competent enough to see the meaning behind these conditions. While they were needed to be part of the council, they were not absolute and we would make exceptions.

Those who understand this will be the most interesting of them all. And hopefully, they'll be helpful against Shiro. That was one of the main reasons for doing this.

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