Chapter 46: Family Bonding

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Asuna POV:

I had sent Kirito a message yesterday concerning whether or not our families could hang out sometime.

He seemed interested in my little idea and so we discussed when and where we should meet. Since it's our families we were talking about a stroll around the park or a picnic wouldn't cut it.

Especially considering that the last time our families met up they talked about merging our companies so we assumed our parents might talk about business-related matters and not just personal things.

In the end, we agreed to go to a high-end restaurant, one neither of our families have visited before, as the place of our meet up.

Now, as I stood outside of that very restaurant on the Friday afternoon of spring break, I didn't feel nervous in the slightest.

This was due to the last interaction between our families, which was on New Year's Eve, they got along surprisingly well. I'd never seen mom so embarrassed other than when Mrs. Kirigaya talks about their days in high school.

While my family and I arrived around half an hour early, Kirito and his family had arrived even sooner.

I bowed my head to Mr. and Mrs. Kirigaya as my parents exchanged greeting with them.

"I see you're as late as ever." Mr. Kirigaya said.

"Spare me. Whose idea was it for you guys to arrive more than half an hour early?" Dad said.

They both shared a laugh at what was said, but even then I was impressed by how early they were. I turned to Sugu for an answer.

"Mom and dad are always earlier than whoever they'll meet and as much as I hate to admit it he never inherited that from them."

She pointed at Kirito, who was beside her.

"That's true. Kirito's usually late for his first period, right?"

"That's only because I've got a lot to do!" Kirito refuted, hearing our conversation.

Despite him saying that it didn't change the fact that he was still late.

"Shall we go in now?" Mom said.

"Yes! We shouldn't waste any more time here! Our little couple here were the ones who chose this place, after all." Mrs. Kirigaya said.

Kirito and I blushed and averted our eyes at the last bit of what she said. We then entered the restaurant and told the front desk about our reservation.

I was the one who chose this place out of all the other restaurants Kirito and I discussed. I initially wanted to choose another one since it was hard to get a reservation here but Kirito insisted and after pulling some strings we got one within a day.

We were guided to our table, which was located near the window giving us a clear view of the outside world. Once we finished ordering, we talked about all sorts of things.

From stories about our parents' days in school to our 2nd year of high school. Mom also asked about how my relationship with Kirito has been doing, seemingly curious and worried at the same time.

Once the food arrived, however, the conversation took a drastic turn from everyday topics and relationships to business.

"By the way, how's that proposal you gave Mr. Yuuki last New Year's Eve going, dad?" Kirito said.

"We've been discussing it since then. Unfortunately, we've run into a bit of trouble." Mr. Kirigaya said.


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