Chapter 33: New Year's Date

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Kirito POV:

The cold morning wind hit my face making me shiver a little as I hugged myself.

"Despite wearing a coat over a jacket over a long-sleeve winter still gets you, doesn't it?" I said, glancing at my watch, "I should be on time."

I was waiting outside of the Yuuki estate for Asuna and did everything in my power to remain awake and the winter breeze definitely helped with that.

I yawned as I stretched my arms in the air, "What's taking her so long?"

I'm not in any rush or anything, I just wished she was here already otherwise I might sleep on the sidewalk. I barely got any sleep last night, that's if you consider 2 hours in bed sleep, since I had to plan out our date.

The sound of metal hitting metal came from my right and I smiled.

"Happy new year! Sorry, I'm late. I wanted to make you a gift since it's our first date." Asuna said.

"Happy new year! And what gift?" I said.


She showed me a picnic basket covered by a light pink blanket. I sniffed it a bit and my eyes widened from the familiar scent.

"D-Don't tell me... T-This is..."

"Yup! My sandwiches!"

I was now wide awake from hearing this, "Is that for lunch?"

"Well, we could have it together with whatever you have planned."

"All right! Let's go then!" I slammed my fist into my palm.

"Hehe~" She giggled.

I opened the door to my car and helped her get inside then went to the driver's seat.

"I forgot to mention, you look great," I said.

"Thanks. So, where to?" She asked.

"You'll see."

I stepped on the gas and we drove off to the destination I had planned. While we were driving, we chatted comfortably about various topics.

"Hahaha, I can't believe Eugeo did that!" She said.

"That wasn't the only thing he did back then."

"And you did the same thing?"

"More or less. I wasn't given as much freedom he was and was busy with Argus to do too much mischief."

"Maybe, that was for the best."

"Haha, maybe. I wasn't as mature as I am now after all so who knows what I might've done."

She became silent and, wondering why, I turned to see her smiling at me for some reason.

"W-What is it?" I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Nothing. I'm just glad you can talk about your past freely now." She wrapped her arms around my right one and leaned on my shoulder.

I smiled looking down at her, "Yeah... Me too..."

We continued driving to my destination which was on a small mountain near the city. When we arrived near the top, we got out of the car.

"You never told me where we going." Asuna said.

"Oh? So, you've never been here before?" I said.

"No, not once."

"Then this'll be even better for you." I said, covering her eyes from behind.

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