Chapter 74: One Step At A Time

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Kirito POV:

Autumn and winter passed uneventfully. All of my---no, all of our problems were resolved with my visitation to Shiro during his recovery.

A week after my visit he contacted me with the intention of opening up and accepted my helping hand. Since then, he's undergone treatment in a psychiatric facility to help him with his trauma.

With him and Satoru out of the way, Asuna returned to her school life smoothly. Though I couldn't stand the thought of her being in danger again, so I stuck by her side at all times.

From picking her up for school to sleeping over at her house on weekends, I was there. She even gave me the nickname of "worrywart", which I happily accepted so long as I ensured her safety.

Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's, we spent these days with both friends and family. Seeing everyone's smiles made everything we went through more than worthwhile.

We had avoided another tragedy. And I'd do everything in my power to keep it that way. Now... 

With all these events out and over with, where was I, you ask?

I stepped onto the podium, which overlooked a crowd of more than a hundred students. I'd never experienced stage fright before so this was an experience I didn't enjoy.

Their prying eyes pierced through me like needles into fabric and I got goosebumps. I was never good at speeches. If I had known this would happen, I would've flunked my grades a bit to avoid becoming valedictorian.

In the end, I resolved myself and cleared my throat as I began.

"I'd like to start off by thanking both our families and this school's administration for all the help and support we've received during our time here. Without them, I'm sure some of us wouldn't be here today." I clapped my hands and in turn, the student body did the same, "We've all overcome many challenges throughout our lives. But high school will be a challenge to remember." 

I'd certainly remember mine.

"However, this doesn't mean these challenges will stop. We're all stepping into the real world. Whether you've chosen to get a job or go to university, it's an undeniable fact that there will be more challenges along the way. In light of this, I request all of you to..." 

I took a deep breath.

"Never give up. No matter what comes your way, keep pushing forward and soar as high as you can. You may get knocked down, but just remember to get back up. And if you can't do it alone, don't. No man is an island, so what you can't do alone, do with the support of your friends and family. In any case, take your time. Whether it be fast or slow, keep your head held high, and take one step at a time until you reach your goal. Because I will."

I stepped off the podium as a round of applause erupted from the entire gymnasium. I simply sighed and returned to my seat among the graduating third years.

Quinella-sensei and director Kenji brought the rest of the ceremony to a close after their own closing remarks. When that happened, a united, yet deafening, cheer resounded within the entire gymnasium.


I could tell what most of them were thinking because I thought the same.

At long last, we were free.

In a chaotic fashion, several students exited the gymnasium along with their families to go celebrate. I waved at mom and dad, who were seated in the spectator's seats. We already agreed to meet later, so I'll be spending some time with the others for now.

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