Chapter 22: A Suitor

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Asuna POV:

After Kirito, Eugeo, and Alice left, I noticed my phone vibrate and ring in my bag. I took it out to see who the caller was and to my surprise, it was my mom.

I answered the call as I placed my phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Asuna? I need you to return immediately. Your father and I have someone you need to meet." Mom ordered in her usual strict tone.

"Yes, mother." I replied, downhearted.

"It's probably another suitor." I thought.

"Good, be sure to get changed into a formal outfit once you arrive. I'll see you later." She said.

"Understood." I said before hanging up.

I sighed as I turned to the others, "Sorry guys, I have to get home too. My mom just called so..." I said.

"Don't worry, Asuna, we understand." Yuna said to reassure me.

"I'll come with you, Asuna." Yuuki said, standing up.

I smiled at her as I stood up as well.

We all said our goodbyes and Yuuki and I left to head to my house. While we were walking towards the Aeon mall's exit, Yuuki asked.

"Is it another suitor?" She said with a worried look.

"Most likely." I responded.

"Honestly, why can't your mom just leave you alone?" She huffed.

I smiled nervously at her, I was glad that she worried about me. I, honestly, wouldn't know what I'd do without her.

We exited the mall and managed to get a taxi as we drove to my house. We arrived a few minutes later and rushed into my house.

When we entered, we were met by my father. He greeted us with a smile as he said, "Good, you made it on time. Oh, and you brought Yuuki too."

"Hi, sir!" Yuuki said.

"Anyways, they'll be here in 10 minutes so go get changed." He said.

He patted my head as he gestured for us to head to my room. He's always been kind to me. Besides Kirito, Yuuki, and my brother, he's the only one I can really talk to about personal matters without being afraid.

Yuuki and I nodded and left to go to my room. Yuuki sometimes slept over at my house so she already had a few clothes in my room.

When we got to my room, we immediately got changed. I chose to wear a blue dress that wasn't too revealing while Yuuki opted to wear a similar outfit with the only difference being that it was purple and had a shorter length to it.

Yuuki turned to me once she was finished and her eyes widened.

"W-What is it?" I asked, nervously.

"Nothing. It's just you look great, but aren't you just going to refuse this guy's proposal? Is there any need to dress up so much?" She said.

"Well, my mom would get angry if I didn't put a little effort in so..." I said.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." She replied.

"Asuna! Yuuki! It's time!" We heard dad's voice call out to us from the hallway.

"We're coming!" I called back.

I turned to Yuuki and said, "Shall we?"

"Yeah!" She replied as we left my room and headed downstairs.

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