Chapter 65: Confrontation

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Kirito POV:

The school bustled with noise in preparation for the sports festival. Students crowded the hallways, going in and out of classrooms to gather their peers.

The students this year were almost double the number of last year's thanks to the transfer students so it was no wonder that was the case.

Most of them were from my previous school and if memory serves the sports festival there was quite extravagant, so they'll probably assume the same here.

Asuna and the student council must be giving it their all to satisfy them. The sports festival was one of the few occasions where students could let loose without being rebuked by a teacher.

On the last day before the festival, my class gathered on the sports field during PE class for our daily training. The details were already announced a week ago and we've been working hard since.

In contrast to last year, I decided to give my all this time around. And with Shiro being a possible opponent I burned with ambition.

I ran my hand through my hair and wiped the sweat off my temples as I finished performing in the 200-meter sprint.

"Kyaa! Kazuto's as good as ever!"

"Yeah, yeah! He dominated everyone at our previous school!"

"I can't wait to see him do it here!"

The girls who watched me more than train said such things since we had started around an hour ago. It got more difficult dealing with the glares the boys gave me because of this.

"Kazuto, leave some for the rest of us!"

"Yeah, I'm trying to get a girlfriend, you know!"

"Don't you already have one!?"

I do, and I'm holding onto her for eternity! So leave me alone! It's your fault you can't get one! I thought.

I sighed as I sat on the grass. Sosuke came up to me with a slight delay in his step and a worried expression.

"Are you alright, Kazuto?" He said.

He seemed to have noticed my predicament and tried to rescue me to the best of his ability.

Come to think of it, Sosuke's also good-looking so why isn't anyone gawking over him?!

"I'm fine. I've gotten used to it, anyway. So, why are you here?"

I was sure he came to check on me, but I doubted that was the only reason. He should be helping the others train.

"So, I've been caught. Actually, seeing your performance last year and during practice got me thinking... Were you holding back last year?"

"Yeah, sorry for keeping a secret. I tried keeping a low profile since I didn't want to be known outside of the school, but it seemed to have failed."

I looked around at the surrounding students. The number of transfer students who looked at us outnumbered the old students by a frightening degree.

"Then you won't be holding back this year?" He asked.

I see. So, this was what he was after.

Seeing my abilities firsthand, he wanted to take full advantage of them. I guess it was only natural if we wanted to win the festival.

"Don't worry. With all the transfer students now here, there's no point holding back."

His eyes sparkled as he flashed a smile and sat beside me. I was grateful for his consideration as he refrained from asking me why I held back last year.

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