Chapter 44: Third Years Graduating

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Kirito POV:

While students who weren't third years weren't required to attend the graduation ceremony, I decided to since it'll be the last time I'll be seeing Hirata for a while.

That and one other reason. Hirata called me in the middle of the night saying he needed to speak with me. I didn't have to guess what it was about and canceled everything I had planned this Saturday to go to school.

When I arrived, a crowd of students was present at the front of the school. I wasn't even gonna try to get through it and instead went around the school to find another entrance to the main building.

I came across a door at the side of the school when someone who was definitely not a student came out. We locked eyes. There was an unusual tension between us.

"Have we met before?" I said.

"No, not that I know of." He said.

His voice was rough. It wasn't one of a high school teenager.

"I thought as much. However, I'm good with faces so I'm wondering why I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

He narrowed his eyes at me. It'd be troublesome to get into a fight on a day like today so I might as well just leave this feeling I have alone.

"Sorry, I was mistaken. I haven't seen you before." I said.

He huffed and turned around to leave. As I watched him walk away, my eyes made their way to his right hand and they widened. I couldn't get a clear view of it but if I'm not wrong that's a ring with black gemstone on his hand.

I shook my head.

I must be imagining it.

With that thought in mind I entered the school through the door I found. I roamed the hallways when I bumped into Asuna and Alice.

"I'm surprised you guys are here." I said.

"We're part of the student council remember? We have to be here." Asuna.

"Are the others here too?"

"Eugeo, Sinon, and Yuuki are here but other than them we haven't seen anyone. What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd go see Hirata off. It'll be a while 'til we see him again, after all."

"Well, if you're looking for him he's on the third floor."

"I'll take my time. He's probably busy with a speech, right? I assume he's valedictorian?"

"Yep. Then if you're not going to see him, could you help us out?"

Since I had nothing else to do to kill time, I agreed and we went to the gymnasium. I helped out with setting up the equipment in the projector room and made sure that everything was secure.

I didn't want anyone sabotaging today. Despite my preparations, however, I was still uneasy. That man I saw... He was trouble. If the ring he wore was one that I gave to a select few why did he have one? Unless...

The image of a white-haired man with dark skin appeared in my mind.

Did he replace me?

I returned to my senses when Eugeo called out to me, "Kirito!"

I smiled as we did our handshake.

"I'm surprised to see you here." He said.

"You're one to talk. You're not someone to wake up early for something like this. Did Alice drag you out of bed?"

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