Chapter 50: A New Foe

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Third Person POV:

While the afternoon air was cool, it didn't help in stopping the sweat that poured out of everyone with the appearance of Shiro.

His white hair danced as a breeze entered from the window. Despite Kirito glaring at him, he didn't show any signs of intimidation or fear.

His lips parted as both he and Kirito said, "Death."

A tense silence followed after that word. Death. An alias the both of them knew better than anyone.

Seeing that Kirito wouldn't take the initiative of starting the conversation, Shiro glanced out the window and into the orange-dyed sky.

"I can see why you transferred here. It's pretty cool."

"Is that why you transferred here? Because of me?" Kirito said.

"What do you think?" Shiro tilted his head.

"I think you're the one who brought all the new transfer students here."

Shiro let out a slight laugh at his response.

"Hahaha, did Argo talk? No, even if she didn't I'm sure you came to your own conclusion." He glanced behind Kirito and to Argo, "You simply needed her to confirm it."

Kirito came into his view, blocking Argo from him. Shiro backed off and looked back at Kirito.

"You broke our deal."

"You did the same, didn't you?"

"Of course I did, but I didn't expect you to, though. You keep your promises after all, even if it puts you at a disadvantage."

Kirito hated to admit it but Shiro wasn't wrong. He's a man of his word, but he wasn't one to make promises carelessly so it evened things out.

"Why are you here?" Kirito said.

"You're still going on about that? Isn't obvious? I'm here to destroy you..."

The man in front of Kirito has made it his life's goal in destroying him one way or another. He almost succeeded in the past, which just proves how dangerous he was.

"If that's the case, why don't we go at it here and now?" Kirito said.

The smile that was already on Shiro's face grew even wider at Kirito's proposal as hurried footsteps sounded from the hallway to his left.

They were at an intersection so it wasn't a surprise for someone else to pass the area they were in, but both Shiro and Kirito didn't expect the ones that did come.

Asuna, Sinon, and Alice came to a halt as they caught their breath. They had run from the student council room to get here.

Seeing this, Shiro let out a laugh, "Hahahaha. First your proposal and now this? Could this get any better?"

His laugh echoed out throughout the silent hallway. Everyone else was holding their breath at his relaxed attitude.

Eventually, his laughter died down as he turned to greet Asuna.

"It's been a while, Asuna."

Kirito's eyes widened as the three girls walked to join the group. Kirito turned to Asuna for answers.

"You know him?" Kirito said.

"I do. Remember when I told you I talked to someone before our date during spring break? He's the one I talked to."

"I'm honored you remember me, Asuna." Shiro made a playful little bow. "Well, now that everyone's here, it'll save you the trouble of having to explain what will happen, right Kaz?"

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