Chapter 47: Spring Date

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Asuna POV:

I stood in the middle of the park waiting for Kirito to arrive for our date. To kill time, I watched as the cherry blossoms began to bloom. I hope Kirito arrives before that happens though.

After he and his family left the restaurant, he called me saying he wanted to make it up to me somehow for them leaving all of a sudden. I told him it was fine but he insisted and so here we are on the last day of spring break going on a date.

Without even realizing it, however, someone was standing beside me. I jumped at the sight of the man. He had unusual white hair and dark skin.

He didn't look at me but at the cherry blossoms. What was unusual though was that he gave off nothing. It was as if his presence was that of a ghost.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" He said.

"Y-Yeah, they are." I said, turning back to the cherry blossoms.

His voice was soft and composed. I couldn't read him at all. He smiled and turned to me.

"Are you alone?" He said.

"I-I'm waiting for someone."

"I see. Then you're on a date?"

"Yeah, how did you..." I trailed off.

"I'm a pretty good guesser and judging from the way you're dressed you look like you wanna impress someone."

Heat rushed to my face as I held my cheeks. My outfit was fairly simple but he wasn't wrong. I wanted to impress Kirito with it.

"I like your ring, by the way. It suits you." He said.

I looked down to my left ring finger where the ring Kirito gave me was on, "Yeah, my boyfriend gave it to me."

"He must be one lucky guy and you one lucky girl. Or perhaps..."

I couldn't catch the last thing he said when his eyebrows suddenly shot up before settling down.

"I better get going. I... Have an errand to run. It was nice to meet you, though."

As he walked past me, however, he said, "I'll see you again soon."

I turned around to ask him what he meant by that but he had disappeared. My eyes widened as I surveyed the park to look for him when someone called me from behind.

"Asuna?" I turned around to see the boy I loved most there with an eyebrow raised. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I was talking to someone just now, but he just left."

"Oh? What kind of person were they?"

We started to talk while we walked around the park.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I'd never met him before so I was surprised that a stranger had talked to me."

"A stranger, huh? Maybe you have a stalker~"

"That'd be creepy." I shivered at the thought of having someone watch me without even knowing it. "But he didn't seem to be one though. We just talked about the cherry blossoms. Speaking of which..."

I stopped in my tracks as we were surrounded by the cherry blossoms that had started to bloom. We didn't say anything as we admired the view before us.

Kirito and I locked hands as we continued walking around the park. We talked about various topics and I'd asked about what happened at his house. From his explanation, I was relieved that nothing bad happened.

We talked about tomorrow and the school year that was gonna come until eventually, the sky turned orange with the sun setting on the horizon.

We sat at a bench and watched the people who were passing by and played a game where we had to guess their jobs.

Eventually, however, we soon ran out of topics to talk about and silence came between us. While I was thinking about what to talk about, Kirito spoke up.

"Asuna, about next year..." He said.

It seemed like he was worried about something so I asked.

"Is something bothering you?" I said.

"I wish I could tell you, but if I did it might change your opinion of me."

I leaned on his shoulder.

"Nothing's ever gonna make me stop loving you. Nothing. So, whatever it is you can tell me."

Kirito remained silent, trying to decide whether he should tell me or not, before sighing.

"If I'm wrong that'd be great, but if I'm right then... I'll tell you everything. About my past and what I hope for the future."

I was glad to hear him say that but it was as though he said this to avoid explaining whatever was bothering him to me right now.

Well, I'll trust his judgment. As long as I have his word that he'll tell me everything sooner or later.

While I thought that, I still decided to ask:

"Does it have something to do about next school year?"

"A bit. There might be a few transfer students so I'd like to keep an eye on them for the time being."

"Are you expecting trouble?"

"I am."

"But you can handle it, right?"

"That's the problem, I'm not sure if I can."

This was the first time I've seen Kirito doubt himself outside of love. He's always been confident in his ability to handle whatever came his way so this was worrying me somewhat.

"You're starting to scare me a little." I said.

He chuckle at my response which surprised me as he patted my head.

"Don't worry. If I'm right, I'll do whatever I can to make sure it doesn't affect us. If I'm wrong, then we can relax."

"That's a problem though. You're rarely ever wrong."

Kirito's intuition was one of the few things that could be considered a superpower along with his intellectual and physical abilities. He was rarely, if ever, wrong about something.

Noticing the troubled look on my face, he smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"It's fine. Really. With you and the others by my side, I doubt there's anything that can beat us."

Relief washed over me as I listened to his words before smiling. I rested on Kirito's chest and could feel his heartbeat. It wasn't too fast nor too slow.

It was a normal and steady heartbeat, which put me at ease. It meant he was confident that we could handle whatever came our way.

 It meant he was confident that we could handle whatever came our way

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Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it's a little short but I didn't want to add anything unnecessary since it'd just be a waste of time to read and just focused on the main points of the chapter instead.

You'll probably see this from now on that even if the chapter will be short I won't add anything unnecessary like a conversation that doesn't have any real meaning to it. At least I hope I won't xD Getting rid of old habits is not easy after all.

Anyways, I'm glad I managed to write at least 3 chapters since I didn't update last time and I said that I'd do this in return.

I'll see you all next time! Sayōnara!

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