Chapter 72: Reaping Death

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Third Person POV:

As Kirito pushed the wheelchair out of the area, Shiro chased after him.

"You're not going anywhere!"

No one tried to stop him from chasing Kirito as Eugeo, Bercouli, and Eiji remained to face off against the reapers.

Kirito will manage... Eugeo thought.

What he needed to focus on now were the four reapers before them. As a former reaper himself, Eugeo could tell just how strong they were. Only a few people could escape his hold, and if they were all comparable to one another he might need to take them on one by one to win.

"They're strong." He said.

Despite this, every hair on his body rose in excitement. To face a strong opponent... Such an event only came every now and then. He'd never miss an opportunity like this.

"Bercouli, Eiji, you think you can take them?"

"I'm not sure... I only caught them off guard but if we were to face head-on, I might struggle." Bercouli said.

"They'll destroy me in one blow." Eiji laughed at his weakness, "But I'm not going down without a fight."

"Then we're all in agreement..." Eugeo smirked as he unzipped his jacket and threw it to the ground before he turned to the reapers, "You four, what are your names?"

One reaper, who was bald, smirked at his question, "So it's like that, huh? Fine. I'm Shinichiro."

"I'm Haruki." Another reaper removed his cap and unzipped his jacket.

The third reaper slammed his fist against his palm and grinned, "I'm Masashi."

The fourth reaper remained silent as he glanced at his companions. He seemed to be the leader as he judged their behavior with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Honestly, the three of you get too excited over these matters." He said.

"C'mon! This doesn't happen every day, you know?" Masashi said, "He's Miyamoto. He doesn't talk much."


"I see. Shinichiro, Haruki, Masashi, and Miyamoto... I'll remember your names well." Eugeo then lowered his voice to a whisper as he addressed Bercouli and Eiji, "I'll take Haruki and Miyamoto. They seem to be the strongest."

"Understood. Take care, sir." Bercouli said.

Eugeo and Bercouli were just about equal in combat. What Eugeo lacked in physical strength, he more than made up for in skill and Bercouli made up for in strength what he lacked in skill. Eugeo determined that with his physique and Eiji's support he should beat them.

"Let's go." 

Eugeo maneuvered past the other three reapers as he charged at Miyamoto who raised his arm to guard the fist he threw at him. However, Eugeo instead pulled back and grabbed his and Haruki's arms as he dragged them away from Shinichiro and Masashi.

He couldn't create a lot of distance between them however as Haruki threw a kick aimed at his head, causing the flaxen-haired boy to release his grips and roll forward to get away.

Eugeo rubbed his head, disoriented from the blow. But before he came to his senses, another kick flew at him. He raised his right arm to guard, but it proved futile as the kick's force blew him away.

He ignored the trembling in his arm and rushed to his feet before another blow could arrive. Neither Haruki nor Miyamoto no longer made any moves against him as they prepared for his retaliation.

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