Chapter 18: The Sports Festival

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-1 week and 3 days later-

Kirito POV:

The day of the sports festival has finally arrived. The entire class has been training and working hard during practice, let's just hope that what we've done is enough to win this.

The girls have also been working hard and they might even win in all of the events for the girls' category. Not only have been preparing for the sports festival but also the Mid-Terms after it.

I had a feeling the school might make the questions a little easier since we've been preparing for the sports festival for the past week and a half but I couldn't get my hopes up just yet.

I was currently in the boys changing room with Eugeo and Eiji. I had already finished changing into my PE uniform and was just waiting for them to finish.

I sat on the wooden bench that was available in every changing room and waited for them patiently as I talked with them.

"You ready, Kirito?" Eugeo asked, excitedly.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I responded with a smile.

"We've all worked hard. It'd be strange if we weren't." Eiji said.

"You got that right." I said, agreeing.

"That 100,000 yen is mine!"

The three of us heard a voice exclaim. I glanced to my far right to see 3 enthusiastic boys. The one who I assumed to have said that was rather slim, I highly doubted that he'd win the prize money.

"Yeah, right. Not in a million years."

"Keep dreaming."

The other 2 of the enthusiastic boys said, bringing down their friend's confidence.

"You guys don't have to say like that, you know?" The boy said, discouraged.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go already." One of his friends said and they left the changing room.

I turned back to the Eiji and Eugeo as Eugeo asked, "So... Do you think you'll win the prize money?"

"Probably, but knowing that Kirito's participating makes the likelihood of that happening less likely." Eiji said.

Eugeo chuckled at his answer, "You got that right." He said.

He turned to me and asked, "What about you, Kirito? You think you'll win?"

"I could, but I won't." I replied.

"Oh? Why's that?" Eugeo asked, surprised.

"I need to be discreet. I don't want to attract too much attention." I answered.

"Well, if that's the case, then the prize money is mine!" Eiji said, happily.

"Not on my watch!" Eugeo remarked.

I smiled at their competitive nature as they both finished changing into their PE uniforms. The three of us opted not to wear our tracksuit's jacket.

We finally left the changing room and made our way to the sports field. When we arrived, there were multiple tents placed around the field.

I assumed that they were a place for the class to stay and rest. There was also a large make-shift stage at the center of the oval in the field.

The school had built it surprisingly quickly. They had started construction during the weekend and ended just two days ago.

"They're probably gonna take it down after the festival." I thought.

I didn't particularly care since it wasn't any of my business. After a few seconds of taking it all in, I took a step forward.

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