Chapter 17: Preparing for the Festival

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-2 Weeks Later-

Kirito POV:

It's been a few weeks since Eugeo and Alice transferred here and I can honestly say that we've all been having a good time. I was worried at first but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary which was a relief.

Eugeo, Alice, and I now went to school together every day and it felt like I was back in middle school. Today, however, I was going alone since I insisted that they should go first.

I got out of the car and thanked Bercouli as stepped onto the school campus. There were multiple students walking into the campus and into the main building as I walked across the school courtyard.

I walked into the main building and made my way to my locker where I quickly placed my things in my backpack and left for my classroom.

As I was walking down the hallway, however, I noticed that the other students in my year or a senior were slightly excited about something.

I didn't question it and thought that something good must have happened for them. As I arrived at my classroom, the other students were also excited.

The common excitement in not only my peers and seniors but also my classmates got me curious. I walked over to my seat and I place my bag on the table as I turned to Eugeo and Eiji.

I noticed a hint of excitement in both of them as well so I asked, "Hey, did something happen? Everyone looks excited for some reason."

Eiji turned to me and was the one who answered, "Yeah, this year's sports festival is nearing. I bet they're going to announce today. I just told Eugeo about it."

I turned to Eugeo and saw him nod happily, "Yeah, I just transferred and something this exciting happens?! I can't wait!" He said, cheerfully.

"I see." I replied.

"I guess Asuna and the others are also excited then." I thought.

Due to both of them being excited, I became slightly excited as well.

Even though this was basically a yearly thing for all schools, I couldn't help but get excited by all of the activities that we'd be able to participate in.

We continued to talk for a little longer until Fanatio-sensei finally arrived. Everyone in the classroom fell silent, but you could feel the anticipation within everyone.

"Alright, listen carefully since I won't be explaining this twice. You may ask questions but make sure they are relevant." Fanatio-sensei began.

"In a week and a half from now, the school will be holding its yearly sports festival." She said.

At her saying that the entire classroom erupted in joy and excitement.

"Yes!" "Woohoo!"

There were voices exclaiming their excitement and anticipation for the festival. Particularly, the ones that were athletic and into sports.

After a few seconds of this, Fanatio-sensei stepped in and silenced everyone.

"Quiet down! I said that I won't be explaining this twice now, didn't I?" She said.

At her behest, everyone became silent and sat back down. Before continuing, Fanatio-sensei looked around the room to make sure that no unnecessary chatter was going to happen.

Once she was sure she continued, "As I said, the school will be holding its sports festival in a week and a half. The entire class will be working together and this is a class activity."

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