Chapter 45: Spring Break

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Kirito POV:

Spring break's finally here which is the perfect opportunity for me to prepare for what came next. I held the letter he sent me through Hirata in my hand.

The last part of the letter is what I was concerned about. The words "Let's see each other soon" have caused me to be restless for the past few days.

The first time both he and I met was a little over three years ago during the spring break after my first year in middle school. The same spring break of this year.

"It's around that time, isn't it?" I said.

I laid on my bed with my eyes closed and took a deep breath as I recalled the events of that day.

-Flashback to 2 Years Ago-

It was 7:50 am when I returned from my second morning jog drenched in sweat. I didn't make any stops heading to my room and getting a change of clothes. As I slipped on my ring with a black gemstone on, the sound of several tings from my phone came from my desk.

I checked to see what it was about and sighed upon seeing both Eugeo and Alice bombard me with multiple messages one after another. What could they be fighting about this time?

"Sage, is my schedule clear for today?"

A robotic voice that came from every corner of my room replied, "Yes sir. You currently don't have any plans. Are you going somewhere?"

"Something like that. As always notify me if anything comes up."

I left my room and headed to solve a problem more difficult than achieving infinite energy. Trust me I know since I've done the latter.

I drove my motorcycle over to Alice's place which was the one closest to mine. A bright blue motorcycle was parked in front so Eugeo must also be here. I rang the doorbell and after doing so a couple more times I was greeted by Alice's younger sister, Selka.

"Kazuto-nii-san..." She said.

"Yo! Are they here?"

She nodded and lead me into the house. Upon entering I let out a sigh of relief seeing that the inside of the house was still intact. Inaudible voices came from the second floor and I didn't have to guess who they came from.

Selka fumbled around with her hands a bit as I placed my hand on her to calm her down.

"Could you get some tea? I'll go and talk to them." I said.

She lightly nodded and left to the kitchen as I made my way upstairs. As I approached Alice's room, the inaudible voices from earlier became clearer and clearer with each step.

I braced myself for whatever it was this time. While they didn't argue often, probably once in a blue moon, when they did even the two World Wars couldn't compare in terms of difficulty.

When I arrived, Alice was on her bed as she threw whatever she could find at Eugeo who was deflecting them at the corner of the room.

I tried to gain their attention by knocking on the door but it didn't seem like they'd hear me from all their shouting. I took in a deep breath and with all my strength said:

"Could the both of you calm down!!?"

Alice paused as she was about to throw a stapler at Eugeo while the said boy turned to me with his hands raised in a defensive position at Alice.

"Thank God you're here, Kirito." Eugeo said.

"Eugeo, help Selka prepare tea. Now."

Without a moment's hesitation, he left the room in a flash. Alice seemed dissatisfied by the fact that I let him leave and turned to me with her brows furrowed.

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