Chapter 53: A Bet

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Kirito POV:

May came around in the blink of an eye. Unlike Asuna, who's been busy with the student council, I've spent my days as a third-year high school student going through the motions.

Of course, I kept my guard up in case Shiro moved, but I continued my daily routine of going to school, attending classes, eating lunch with the others, and going home. Rinse and repeat.

Even the uproar of the transfer students died down after the first few weeks passed once they found out I dated Asuna. Fortunately, they've refrained from interfering with our relationship... for now.

All things considered, I was bored. I thought Shiro would make a move, but he's done nothing of note lately. I've been keeping an eye on him for the past month and he's been acting like any other teenager.

Outside of school was probably a different story and he was planning behind the scenes, in which case my hands were tied.

As for the mysterious majority shareholder Quinella-sensei mentioned, no leads have shown themselves. I hacked into the school's database but found nothing that could point to anyone. I concluded that details related to the majority shareholder were most likely in written form.

I didn't know where to begin searching for them. It was times like these when I was grateful for having a window seat and friends as I stared out the window and daydreamed about eating Asuna's world-famous sandwiches.

 It was times like these when I was grateful for having a window seat and friends as I stared out the window and daydreamed about eating Asuna's world-famous sandwiches

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I'd kill to have one of those right about now... Couldn't lunch get here any sooner? I wondered what the toppings would be on the sandwiches this time. She always changed it up to surprise me, but she's gotta be running out of ideas, right?

I continued this line of thought for a while until a soft hit bounced off my hair. I looked down at my desk and saw a crumpled piece of paper.

I looked around to see who threw it, but everyone paid attention to Deusolbert-sensei's discussion. No one seemed to have looked away the moment I looked up either.

I unfolded the crumpled piece of paper and read its contents. Though the broken lines from being crumpled overlapped them, I could still make out the words:

Talk. Lounge.

Their message was simple. If I completed it, it'd probably be along the lines of, 'We need to talk. Meet me at the teacher's lounge.'

With that being the case, I drew two conclusions as to who sent this:

1. A teacher who wants to meet me instructed my classmate to give it to me. Or...

2. A student wants to meet me outside of the teacher's lounge.

Since I wanted a little excitement in my high school life I decided to go once lunch break came.

Once the bell rang I rose from my seat and made my way out of the room. I told Eiji and Eugeo to the rooftop without me and how I'd be a little late.

I waited for about 3 minutes outside the teacher's lounge as the answer as to who sent the note was revealed.

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