Chapter 5: Club Fair

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-1 week and 4 days later-

-After School-

Asuna POV:

It's been over a week since school has started up again and since I've met Kazuto, the past week has been rather interesting. He's doing his best to fit in and I've refrained from asking him anything about his family.

The bell rang signalling classes have ended for the day and I started packing up my things. My last class was Philosophy and I had slight headache during class due to the concepts that were being discussed.

As I finished packing my things, Kazuto walked over to me. We had the same classes besides first period and after lunch. He stopped next to my seat as I stood up, "Are you going home already?" I asked, "No, why?" He responded.

"The others and I are going to the gymnasium." I answered, it seems I've piqued his interest as he asked with a curious expression, "Oh? What for?"

I hung my bag on my shoulder and started walking out the classroom as I answered, "There'll be a club fair today. We're going to check them out. You can sign up if you want to join one."

He hurried after me and we left the classroom as he said, "Hmm, I'm not really the club type but it sounds fun so I'll tag along." He said and I smiled at his response, "Are you going to join one?" He asked, "No. Like you, I'm not really the club type either." I answered.

"I see." He muttered and we headed to the gymnasium.

-In the gymnasium-

When we arrived at the gymnasium it was crowded with club stalls. "There are more people than I thought." I heard Kazuto mutter beside me, "Yeah and it looks like the presentations haven't started yet." I said, "We better look for the others before then." He responded and we started walking.

When we entered, we were given a pamphlet where all the clubs were listed on and the types of activities each club did. It also contained the schedule of each club's presentation.

A boy wearing a police uniform walked over to us and said, "Hey!, are you interested in joining the Drama club?" As he gave us a flyer. Kazuto took it and I looked over as we both read what was on it.

It was what you'd usually see on a flyer. It showed the type of club it was and the activities that the club would be involved in. Kazuto gave the flyer back to him and said, "Thanks, but we're not really the club type."

"I understand, but if you change you're mind, please join!" The boy said as he walked away.

"Let's get going. We don't want to keep the others waiting." Kazuto said as he turned to me. I nodded in response and we walked around the gymnasium in search of Yuuki and the others.

We looked around for a couple of minutes but we weren't able to find them, "I'll try calling them." I suggested as I took out my phone. I opened my phone but it was already dead, "My phone's dead." I muttered, "I'll call them then." Kazuto suggested.

He took out his phone and called Liz. He put the phone on speaker so I could hear what they were saying as well. The phone rang for a few seconds before Liz picked up, "Hey, are you at the gymnasium?" Liz asked through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm with Asuna." Kazuto answered, "I see, where are you guys then?" Liz asked. "We're at, uh..." Kazuto said, we looked around to see if there was anything unique that they could use to find us and saw basketballs, soccer balls and footballs, "We're at the sports clubs section." I said.

"Got it! Don't go anywhere we'll come to you." Yuuki said in Liz's place, "Yeah, what Yuuki said, we'll come to you." Liz said, "Alright, we'll wait here then." Kazuto said before hanging up the phone.

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