Chapter 24: With you in the City

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Third Person POV:

Asuna continued to cry in Kirito's arms for a minute or two before finally stopping. She didn't know why she cried when she saw him, she just did.

Kirito patted her head and broke their hug, "Better?"

Asuna nodded and he turned to the line in front of them.

"Do you mind if I get some tea before we talk?" He said.

Asuna didn't mind and after a few minutes of waiting, Kirito got his green tea. They both returned to the table Asuna had been sitting at earlier and talked.

Kirito was the one to open up the conversation, believing it to be best.

"So, I didn't expect you to be here." He said.

Asuna sipped on her espresso as she tried to contain herself from bursting into tears again.

Kirito looked at her worriedly, "Did something happen?"

He waited patiently for her response as she took her time to answer. After a moment of indecision, Asuna decided that it would be best to talk about what happened back home.

"My mom..." She said faintly, almost like a whisper.

Kirito, however, managed to hear her and gave her a warm smile, "I see... It's your birthday today, isn't it?"

Asuna nodded in response, "Yeah, my mom won't allow me to meet anyone, though. Let alone hold a party."

Kirito felt bad for her. He knew what it felt like to not be allowed to have a party during his birthday or hang out with friends. The last birthday party he had was when he was only 10 years old.

Not wanting the same thing to happen to her, Kirito decided to take it upon himself into making today a great day for Asuna.

"How am I going to pull this off?" He thought.

He thought about various festivities, such as going to karaoke or a sweets store, but knew that those ideas weren't the right ones.

An idea popped into his head.

"Why not all of them?" He thought.

He chuckled internally realizing that he couldn't choose. Nevertheless, he rose from his seat and said to a chestnut-haired girl before him.

"Why don't we celebrate your birthday together? Just the two of us!"

Asuna looked at him wide-eyed. It was the last thing she expected him to say.

Regaining her senses, however, she looked down at expresso, sadly, "I don't know. I mean, we don't have any money to pay for anything, do we?"

"What would we even do?" She added.

Not getting disheartened by her response, the raven-haired boy turned to her, smiling ear to ear, and said, "Everything!"

"E-Everything?" Asuna repeated, confused.

"Yup, everything! We'll go everywhere and do everything! It's your birthday! Let's do whatever you want to do!" He said with a smile.

Asuna looked at his smile. It gave her warmth. It gave her hope. That's when it occurred to her. The reason why she cried when she saw him.

"It's because he gives me hope." She thought.

She exhaled at the revelation and replied to him, "Fine... So, where are we going?"

Kirito sat back down, "I have a place in mind but we'll go there later on. Besides, it's your birthday so you should decide where we should go."

Asuna thought about what she wanted to do for her birthday for a moment. But she quickly realized that she wanted to spend the night alone with Kirito.

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