Chapter 38: New Responsibilities

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-3 Days Later-

Asuna POV:

"Please sign these and approve." Shino handed me several sheets of paper, "You'll also have to read the student handbook and the rules and regulations of the student council as well as elect new student council members before the end of the week."

I was sitting at the head of the table in the student council room drowning in all the work I've been given right after becoming the student council president.

This is ridiculous.

That was the one thought that repeated itself every time Shino would give me something new to sign or read. How could someone do all this?

"Uhm, tell me Shino, have you also read all of these?" I said, gesturing to the mountain of books and paper.

"Yes. I read and evaluate all books, papers, and requests before giving them to any member of the student council." She said in her usual calm monotone voice.

I looked at her in awe. She must be a robot or something because this is impossible.

I bowed to her, "Please do my duties for me!"

"Please don't joke around, president."

I wasn't joking!

I wanted to say those words aloud but I've already become president so there was no going back.

"Oh, you must also visit Quinella-sensei." She said.

"At what time?" I grumbled.

"She didn't specify but I believe she wishes to meet with you sometime today."

"Understood." I leaned back in my seat and stretched my arms, "Let's get this done then!"

I took a pen and stamp as I read, signed, and approved or declined every single one of the papers she gave me.

-Over An Hour Later-

By the end of it, I was drained of energy. I looked to my right, 4 stacks of paper were there, those were the ones I've completed. I then looked to my left and 6 stacks of paper were present, these were the ones I haven't even read.

I looked at the clock. It was 11:52. I started at around 10:00 and the fact I've only done this much made me sink into my seat. The student council president can leave their classes whenever they wish during their first week as president since they had to sign papers and approve things but this is unbelievable.

If Shino wasn't around I probably would've crumbled to dust by now. President Hirata highly recommended her so I chose her to be my secretary like she was to him and she's definitely helpful.

"I can see why you trust her, president." I said.

Shino entered the room but she didn't leave the doorway, "Kazuto Kirigaya is here to see you."

Hearing her say that made me sit up and feel revived.

"Let him in." I said.

She left and the next moment Kirito entered, "Morning, president!" He said.

"Please don't call me that." I said.

"Then how about 'pres'?" He walked over and sat on the table.

"Not that either." I grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss.

After our kiss, he showed me a lunch box, "I brought food!"

"I nearly forgot about lunch." I touched my stomach before smiling softly at him, "You're a lifesaver."

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