Chapter 8: Talking to You

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Third Person POV:

As they walked along the sidewalk, Asuna asked from behind Kazuto, "So, where we going?"

It was a natural question considering they weren't going back to the library.

"Hmm, let's go to a café. It's better to eat while we talk." He answered.

She came to hus side and said, "Aren't you going to tell your driver?"

Kazuto smirked at her question, "You read my mind. You must be a psychic." He teased as he took out my phone.

"Just give me a sec." He said as he contacted Bercouli.

Kazuto told him that he was going to a café with a friend and that he'd tell him to pick him up when he's ready. Bercouli responded quickly saying that he'll be waiting at the house for now and Kazuto placed hus phone back into his pocket.

"Done. Let's find a café now, shall we?" He said.

They arrived at a train station and rode it into the city. Once they arrived, they immediately started looking for a café. Luckily, they found one rather quickly.

They entered the café and ordered two cups of coffee as they looked for some seats. They sat down in a window seat so they could see the outside. They sat across from each other so they were face to face.

"So, what did you want to talk about? I can tell you want to ask me something besides studying." Kazuto said.

Asuna remained silent for a moment, thinking of how to ask her question. "Are you..." She began, "...Are you the son of the CEO of Argus Incorporated?" She asked.

"So she did figure it out." Kazuto thought, "Well, it was only a matter of time before I was found out by her, considering she's the daughter of the Yuuki family."

Kazuto leaned back on his chair and asked, "What makes you think that?"

He wanted to see if she had any concrete proof that he really was the son of the CEO. If she doesn't then he could just play it off.

Asuna took out her phone and typed something on it. Afterwards, she showed Kazuto her phone and what was there was a picture of him next to a body of text. He read it and it was basically a synopsis of me being the CEO's son.

"That's you, isn't it?" Asuna said, confidently.

Kazuto took a sip of his coffee before saying, "Well, played."

Asuna placed her phone on the table and said, "So, I was right. You are the son of the CEO of Argus Inc."

Kazuto smiled at her realization, "It's not like I wanted to hide it." He said.

She narrowed her eyes at me seemingly thinking, "What?" He asked.

Asuna shook her and replied, "Nothing. I just never imagined I'd meet you."

With a smile still on his face Kazuto said, "Well, you have. What are you going to do?"

She seemed taken aback by my question so she remained silent, "You don't want me to tell the others, do you?" She said.

Kazuto nodded and replied, "I don't. Not yet at least. I'll tell myself when the time is right. Can you promise me that you won't tell them?"

He looked out the window to the city of Tokyo. The sun was already setting and cars past by as time continued to move forward. He expected Asuna to tell the others about him. It was only natural since she's known them for much longer than she's known him.

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