Chapter 20: After Party

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Kirito POV:

The festival went on for an hour or two longer with everyone enjoying it until the very end. Finally, we all gathered in front of the stage once again.

The sun had started to set on the horizon as we all waited for Quinella-sensei to announce the winners of the festival and who would get the prize money.

"Thank you all for participating in this year's sports festival! Did you all enjoy it?" She said.

At her question, a lot of the students cheered.

"It seems like they did, sensei." I thought, smiling.

Once everyone settled down, she continued, "I can tell by your cheers that you all had a wonderful time." She said with a smile.

"However, with the sun now setting I must cut our enjoyment short and declare that this festival is hereby closed."

"But before that, however, I'll now be announcing the winners and champions for this year's festival!" She said.

She took out a piece of paper from an envelope and unfolded it.

Reading its contents, she began, "The champion for the first years is..." She said, "...Akane Yona! You will receive your 100,000 yen during the weekend so please come to school by then."

Cheers came from the students as she announced the champion of the first year. It was surprisingly a girl. I was impressed that she managed to keep up with the athletic boys in her year so I clapped as well.

Quinella-sensei moved onto the next champion. The others and I had placed our bets to see who it was.

We'd have to pay 1,000 yen to the one who got it right. I had placed my bet on Eiji, who I was confident would win.

I noticed Quinella-sensei's eyes widen slightly before clearing her throat. Afterward, she read out what was on the piece of paper.

"The champion for the second year is..." She said, "...Eiji Nochizawa! Just like Akane, please come visit us this weekend to claim your 100,000 yen."

I sighed in relief at who she announced. I was honestly a little worried that my little stunt during the relay race had caused me to be the champion. I didn't want any attention whatsoever.

Cheers came from the students as Quinella-sensei moved onto the champion for the third year.

"The champion for the third year is..." She began, "...Shota Manabu! Please visit us this weekend to claim your prize!"

The crowd clapped their hands and cheered as she named the student.

"And finally, the overall champion for this school year is..." She said, "...Hirata Kanji! Just like with the others, visit us this weekend to claim your prize."

My eyes widened as the entire crowd erupted with a round of applause.

"The president, huh?" I thought.

I couldn't say it was completely unexpected. He was an athletic person but I've only come across him a few times.

I heard a few voices in the crowd say, "Again? This year too." "That guy's unbelievable! This is his third year in a row!"

By how way my seniors were talking about him it seems like he's more incredible than I give him credit for.

I smirked as I muttered, "Color me impressed."

"It seems like I shouldn't underestimate him." I thought.

After announcing the overall champion for the festival, Quinella-sensei gave the closing remarks and the crowd slowly started to disperse.

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