Chapter 23: Sneaking Out

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-1 month later-

Kirito POV:

It's been a month since mom and dad came back from their business trip to Europe. It's been rough. The freedom I had when they were away had nearly faded away. 

I've barely been allowed to hang out with everyone like previously and had to head home immediately after school to help dad with work.

The only salvation I've had during this past month was my conversations with Asuna over the phone. 

Since last month, both of us would occassionally video call or text each other to see how the other was doing. I was glad by this since I didn't have a lot of opportunities to talk to her ever since dad came back.

I remember a few nights ago when I was so overwhelmed with work that I barely got any sleep. But due to her pestering, I eventually got some sleep which helped me a lot in the long run.

"If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been able to complete that project." I thought.

Today is September 30, the weekend and also Asuna's birthday. I wanted to go celebrate it with her since we've gotten closer over the past few weeks.

I needed to get the permission of my dad if I wanted to go, however, and that's easier said than done.

I was currently walking down our mansion's hallway towards my dad's office.

"If I remember correctly, he wanted me to do something this morning." I thought.

I knocked on his door and heard him say 'come in'. When I entered, he didn't look up from whatever it was he was looking at on his monitor.

"What is it? You need something?" He said

"Yeah, I do." I replied, "You see, it's my friend's birthday today... I was wondering if I could go?"

Finally, he looked up from his monitor with a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he asked.

"Oh? I didn't know it was Eugeo's or Alice's birthday."

"It isn't, theirs are on April." I said, "The birthday is for another friend of mine."

"Another, huh? Who?" He asked.

"Asuna, Asuna Yuuki. She's a good person, kind as well. I hope you'll allow me to go." I said.

He remained silent for a moment before saying, "Fine, but only if you can complete this task."

He took out a file and placed it on his desk, "I asked you to do it earlier but it seems like you didn't hear me."

"I had the feeling he asked me to do something earlier." I thought.

I internally groaned at the thought, "So if I complete this you'll let me go?"

He nodded, "I'll consider it. I'll give you an answer once you're done."

I took the file from his desk and left his office with a new task. As I made my way back to my room, I read through the contents of the file.

It looks like a software upgrade for the new system that was just implemented for the company's security.

"This should be relatively easy." I thought.

I entered my room and called out to Sage to activate him.

"Let's get to work, partner." I said.

-1 hour later-

For an hour straight, I didn't leave my room. I was determined to go celebrate Asuna's birthday with her.

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